2019-01-012024-05-15https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/662720摘要:本計劃目的包含如下完成大安溪鯉魚潭水庫、后里及四角林3個森林型長期監測樣區紅外線自動相機資料蒐集及分析,監測鼬獾及共域食肉目動物的相對豐富度年間變化。另外在大安溪兩岸進行鼬獾及其他食肉目動物捕捉及狂犬病疫苗施打,疾病檢驗提供口服疫苗投予前野生食肉目動物病毒性疾病感染概況,且協助疫苗空投試驗的樣區規劃及後續的鼬獾及食肉目動物捕捉及口服疫苗餌料的野外測試。 <br> Abstract: This study aims to monitor the changes of relative abundance of ferret-badgers and other carnivores with cameras, to capture carnivores on the both north and south side of Daan River; and to take blood samples and swab samples of the carnivores for long term monitoring of rabies and other viral infectious disease. At last, we will complete the planning of flight line, oral vaccine bait density and method to deliver the baits in the bait in the oral vaccine zone.食肉目動物疫苗狂犬病carnivoresvaccinationrabies研發鼬獾狂犬病口服疫苗餌料、防疫帶及野生動物狂犬病監測計畫-西部地區狂犬病防疫帶規劃及小型食肉目動物之狂犬病免疫計畫