2011-01-012024-05-14https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/659083摘要:癌症是人類死亡的第二大原因,目前癌症治療的趨勢之一,是利用標靶抗癌藥物以提高藥物在癌組織濃度,避免對正常組織產生傷害。利用電轉殖方式(Electroporation)在癌組織位置提高藥物濃度是標靶治療的重要的方式之一,電脈衝可改變組織與細胞的通透性,以讓更多的抗癌藥物進入造成癌細胞死亡。然而電轉殖方式受限於只能應用在表淺的癌組織,要讓更深層組織通透性改變,目前有許多證據顯示高能超音波是一個可使用的方法。超音波如同電脈衝一般,可造成所謂聲轉殖(Sonoporation)。本研究計畫的目標在探討結合電轉殖與聲轉殖,以有效將抗癌藥物送入細胞與組織內的最佳方式,抑制體內癌細胞增長。為達成此一共同目標,台灣、拉脫維亞與立陶宛三個國家的專家組成團隊,其中台灣部分將負責研究利用聲轉殖將藥物送入培養的癌細胞與癌組織動物模型中,以抑制癌細胞生長;拉脫維亞的專家將致力於利用電轉殖以抑制培養的癌細胞或動物模型的癌組織;立陶宛的專家則將貢獻其在光頻譜儀上的經驗,發展即時監測抗藥物在電轉殖與聲轉殖前後在組織內遞送、分佈、吸收與分解等的動態變化。各國團對將分享他們的經驗與研究成果,致力於發展結合電轉殖與聲轉殖的新癌症治療方法。<br> Abstract: Cancer is the second leading cause of the death in human population. The current focusin development of cancer therapies is based on targeted drug delivery to provide therapeuticconcentrations of anticancer drugs at the affected site and spare the normal tissues. One ofthe methods to achieve targeted drug delivery is based on the application of high voltageelectric pulses at the tumor site. These electric pulses induce tissue and cell permeabilization(electroporation) allowing anticancer drug to enter the cells where they can reach theirintracellular targets and lead to cell death. However this approach is restricted for treatmentof superficial tumors only. To permeabilize deeper areas of the body a new approach basedon application of high intensity focused ultrasound can be used. Indeed, an increasedevidence show that ultrasound, similarly to electric fields, can lead to cell sonoporation. Theaim of the project is to determine optimal conditions for efficient anticancer drug deliveryinto the cells and tissues by combining electroporation and sonoporation techniques, and toapply the new approach for tumor treatment in vivo. To achieve this goal three researchgroups from Taiwan, Lithuania and Latvia, having their own experience, combine theirefforts. Taiwanese group will be responsible for development of sonoporation for drugdelivery into cultured cells and implanted tumor model in vivo. Lithuanian group will bemainly responsible for the development electroporation for drug delivery into cultured cellsand implanted tumor model in vivo. Latvian group will be responsible for development ofoptical spectroscopy methods and a prototype device for real time monitoring of drugdelivery, drug distribution in tissues, drug uptake and clearance kinetics before and after cellelectroporation and sonoporation. The groups will share their knowledge and achievementsin their fields to combine electroporation and sonoporation for development and applicationof the new approach for tumor treatment in vivo.基因治療藥物傳輸超音波導入電穿孔法Cancer treatmentdrug deliverysonoporationelectroporationCombination of Cell Electroporation and Sonoporation for the Efficient Drug Delivery into Cells and Tissues for Tumor Treatment