臺灣大學: 建築與城鄉研究所陳亮全李家齊Lee, Chia-ChiChia-ChiLee2013-03-212018-06-292013-03-212018-06-292011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/249448  誰來參與?誰有權參與?一直是公共事務營造民眾參與時面臨的一大難題。在現代國家成員眾多的脈絡下,任何公共事務皆由公民行使其直接民權表達意見顯得窒礙難行,然代議制度代表性(representativeness)不足等問題長此以往屢屢為人所詬病。由此等問題應運而生的利害關係者(stakeholder)概念,提供了一個實際可行的觀點,主張由個別公共事務利害相關的民眾來參與。   本文以防洪計畫為研究對象,以利害關係者相關論述為基點,復以分析臺灣防洪計畫營造民眾參與的現況,建構出「防洪計畫利害關係者界定架構」,該架構因應防洪計畫之特性,能以多元方法界定多元利害關係者,非但在一定程度上回答「究竟政府在執行防洪計畫前、規劃初期應該聽取誰的聲音?」此一重要問題,也降低於防洪計畫營造民眾參與時,某重要類別利害關係者被排除在外的機率,並且現實可行,而能為規劃者所使用。   接續以基隆河整體治理計畫(前期計畫)驗證防洪計畫利害關係者界定架構的有效性,復分析受基隆河整體治理計畫(前期計畫)影響之居民與三位利益團體成員對計畫之意向。居民、利益團體成員對前期計畫的發抒亦可作為來日整治基隆河之參考。   時值民意日趨高漲的此刻,期望各種多元價值能據此忠實地傳遞出來,並得到善意的關注,防洪計畫更為大眾感到滿意。  There are difficult challenges when getting people involved with public affairs, such as “Who will participate?” and “Who has the right to participate?” In the context of a large number of members in a modern state, it is not feasible for all civilians to exercise their civil rights directly. Yet the lack of representation in representative government has also been criticized repeatedly. To overcome the difficulties, the concept of stakeholders advocates a practical point of view—those who have a stake in certain public affairs will actively participate.   The research entity of this essay is the “flood protection project,” based on related dis-course of stakeholder theory as well as the current situation of public participation in the flood protection project in Taiwan. Hence, the framework of this stakeholder identification of a flood protection project (FSIFPP) has been constructed to respond to the question, “Whose voice should be heard before the implementation of a flood protection project by the government?” to diminish the possibility of certain important types of stakeholders being excluded. The framework not only identifies multi-stakeholders by multiple methods but possesses feasibility by planners to implement.   Through “Keelung River Overall Improvement Project (Earlier Project)”, the effective-ness of FSIFP is verified, and the resident stakeholders’ opinions, along with the opinions of three members of the environmental protection groups, are analyzed. Their comments on the Earlier Project could be used as references to further Keelung River’s improvement.   Because of growing public opinion, we hope the diverse values will be delivered faith-fully, merit well consideration, and result in flood protection projects becoming more satis-factory.10111913 bytesapplication/pdfen-US利害關係者防洪計畫洪災管理基隆河StakeholderFlood Protection ProjectFlood ManagementKeelung River防洪計畫利害關係者界定方法之探討A Study on Methods of Identifying Stakeholders in a Flood Protection Projectthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/249448/1/ntu-100-D94544001-1.pdf