國立臺灣大學藝術史研究所Graduate Institute of Art History, National Taiwan University盧宣妃Lu, H.F.H.F.Lu2017-09-082018-05-292017-09-082018-05-292010-03http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/281795關於民初畫家陳師曾(1876-1923)《北京風俗圖》的研究甚多,但截至目前一般論者雖常指出此套畫冊具有「中西融合」的繪畫因素,卻未仔細釐清所謂「中西融合」的畫風究竟為何?畫家是如何學習而來?至於對作為新式知識分子/上層文人的陳師曾,其選擇過去非屬文人畫領域之「風俗圖」為表現的作法,亦未見深入討論。筆者認為,透過陳師曾《北京風俗圖》的製作、完成至流傳,實傳遞了多層概念與近代中日藝術交流的複雜過程。尤其若考慮二十世紀初留日的新式知識分子急於透過日本,學習西方新知的風潮與集體意識,那麼陳師曾《北京風俗圖》上所見之新畫法與新觀念,正是藉由日本本身既有的傳統及經其轉化過之新知識(如風俗學、西方技法等)的使用,來為中國傳統尋找重新定位、詮釋的可能。故本文研究,試圖從《北京風俗圖》的製作動機、陳師曾受日本啟發的新畫法與新觀念的使用,釐清陳師曾在創作上受日本啟示的部分。此外,並將討論不同時代觀者在《北京風俗圖》的感染之下,基於這套作品所傳達出之不同感受與期許。筆者認為,唯有在此脈絡下,方能準確掌握《北京風俗圖》在繪畫史上的關鍵意義,並重新定位陳師曾在民初畫壇的努力與貢獻。Scholars have done a lot of research on the Beijing Customs Album by Chen Shizeng, a famous painter in the early twentieth-century China. Although researchers have pointed out the presence of artistic elements of Sino-Western synthesis in this album, they have not explained in detail what these Sino-Western features are and how they are represented. What training did the painter undergo? Why did Chen Shizeng, who belonged to the group of new intellectuals and upper-class literati, choose a nontraditional Chinese style for “genre painting”? None of these questions have been thoroughly discussed. The author believes that the successive analysis of the creation, completion and circulation of the Beijing Customs Album will enable us to understand the complex process of artistic exchange between modern China and Japan. In the Beijing Customs Album, which shows stylistic influence of Japanese and Western ideas, Chen Shizeng expresses the quest for self-identity to, and new comprehension of, Beijing and Chinese cultural tradition at that time. The author will analyze the evidence of Japanese stylistic influence in the Beijing Customs Album, the artist’s new painting techniques and the presence of the new ideas. Furthermore, the author will discuss the way in which this work was viewed, received and accepted by the public of different periods. The author believes that only with a detailed analysis of the aspects mentioned above can one grasp the true meaning and value of the Beijing Customs Album and appreciate the contribution of Chen Shizeng and his place in the painting history of early Republican period. (Translated by Anya Stets)36304057 bytesapplication/pdf陳師曾/陳衡恪北京風俗圖中日交流中西融合新式知識分子風俗圖Chen Shizeng/ Chen HengkeBeijing Customs AlbumSino-Japanese cultural exchangeSino-Western synthesisnew intellectualsgenre painting陳師曾《北京風俗圖》中的日本啟示New Insights on the Evidence of Japanese Influence in Chen Shizeng’s Beijing Customs Albumjournal articlehttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/281795/1/0028_201003_5.pdf