外科TANG, YUEH-BIHYUEH-BIHTANGSIMCHON SHLOMOHCHEN, HUNG-CHIHUNG-CHICHEN2009-01-082018-07-112009-01-082018-07-112000http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/96201In recent years, it has been found that maintenance of venous circulation alone may support a small flap with no direct arterial inflow. The clinical application of a venous flap has potential in the field of microsurgery. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the haemodynamics within a pedicled venous flap in rabbits, compared with those of a composite graft. Pedicled venous flaps and composite grafts were raised from the abdominal walls of 30 adult New Zealand rabbits. Flap survival was measured and recorded and blood flow studies with microspheres were done for seven days. The viability of the pedicled venous flaps was much better than that of the composite grafts. At two weeks 24 of the venous flaps (80%) showed more than 75% surviving, but 29 (97%) of the composite grafts had less than 25% surviving. The results suggest that the blood flow through a patent vein maintained in a venous skin flap can provide enough nutrients for the flap to survive during the initial three days until neovascularisation. The venous flap receives more blood flow than a composite graft. We conclude that a venous flap depends on blood supply from the axial vein in addition to neovascularisation to maintain its survival.en-USpedicled venous flapblood flowmicrosphereneovascularisationcomposite graftBLOOD-FLOWMicrocirculation of a Venous Flap: An Experimental Study with Microspheres in Rabbitsjournal article