李慶雲2006-07-262018-07-112006-07-262018-07-112000http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/22844HHVS ia the newest member of human herpesviruses. Accumulative data indicates that a proportion of healthy adults is infected with HHV8. The prevalence could be as high as 50% in some countries. We have finished a seroprevalence study of HHV8 infection in Taiwanese adults and our data indicated that 15-20% of Taiwanesc arc infected with HHV8. Up to now, a variety of malignancies has been linked to HHV8. However, the clinical illness caused by HHVS is almost unknown to us. This study is aimed to understand HHVX infection or reactivation in adults and Dhildren undergoing bone marrow transplantation (BMT). We will prospectively study 50 BMT patients; their blood samples will be collected every week and their clinical data will be recorded. l-IHV8 IgG and 1gM antibodies in serum samples will be measured every week. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) will be used to detect IHrIV8 genomc in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and 3cra. We expect to delineate the frequency of HHV8 infection or reactivation during the course of bone marrow transplantation. The timing, clinical manifestation and outcome of HHV8 infection in BMT patients can be Icamed. In the second half of this two-year project, quantitative PCR will be leveloped to more accurately monitor the activity of HHV8 and see whether this is a valuable Jiagnostic tool.第八型人類泡疹病毒是人類泡疹病毒最新的一個成員。目前的數據顯示有一部份的成人已感染過此病毒。在某些地區感染過此病毒者最高可達50%。我們曾經完成一個第八型人類泡疹病毒血清流行病學研究,結果顯示大約百分之十五到二十的台灣成人已感染過此病毒。到目前為止此病毒跟一些惡性腫瘤有高度的相關性。但是此病毒引起的臨床症狀我們仍所知有限。本研究的目的將要前蟾性地追蹤五十個兒童及成人骨髓移植病人,每個星期抽一次血,檢驗血中第八型人類泡疹病毒IgG 及IgM 抗體,並記錄其臨床表現。此外將利用聚合脢鏈反應來偵測血液周邊淋巴球及血清中第八型人類泡疹病毒核酸。我們希望了解在骨髓移植時第八型人類泡疹病毒成染或再發的機率,及成染的時間與臨床症狀。在第二年中我們也將發展定量型的聚合脢鏈反應,用來更精確的監視第八型人類泡疹病毒的活性,並了解定量型的聚合脢鏈反應是否在臨床上有應用的價值。application/pdf1143861 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學醫學院小兒科HHV8bone marrow transplantationreactivation第八型人類泡疹病毒骨髓移植[SDGs]SDG3骨髓移植病人第八型人類泡疹病毒感染之研究reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/22844/1/892314B002041.pdf