國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系副教授Associate Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, National Taiwan University陳書梅2017-09-082018-05-302017-09-082018-05-302004-3http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/282257過度的工作壓力會影響館員的工作績效,適度的壓力長期而言可激發人們的行為動機,積極面對挑戰,是增進個體生命力必要的刺激。惟有在適度壓力下方可促使個體產生最佳工作績效,而如何使個體有效地紓解壓力,使其調節再適度的壓力範圍內,則屬於壓力因應行為的議題。本研究顯示,受訪館員的工作壓力因應行為是綜合問題取向與情緒取向二者,但當工作壓力逐漸增大時,館員易傾向於以情緒取向的方式因應,且多偏向如自責、發洩、遷怒、退縮等不健康的情緒行為,值得圖書館管理階層注意。Stress is not a naturedly bad thing - it may be stimulating, motivating and provide excitement to individuals. However, when it exceeds individuals' ability to cope it becomes harmful both to library and staff. Adequate coping strategies keep the librarians in a state of good health and high job performance. The purpose of this study is trying to explore librarians' ways of coping with job-related stress in the library settings of national colleges and universities in Taiwan. The study indicates that librarians' ways of coping are both problem-focused and emotionfocused. And as the stress getting greater, librarians are inclined to cope with emotionfocused ways.12757504 bytesapplication/pdf工作壓力,因應行為,壓力管理,大學圖書館,館員,Job Stress,Ways of Coping,Stress Management,College and University Library,Librarian館員工作壓力因應行為研究─以我國公立大學暨學院圖書館為例An Empirical Study on Ways of Coping with Job-related Stress among National College and University Librarians in Taiwanjournal articledoi: 10.6182/jlis.2004.1(4).037http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/282257/1/0104_200403_3.pdf