2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714888The first institution of forensic medicine in Taiwan was the Classroom of Forensic Medicine of Taihoku (Taipei) Imperial University in 1936. After Taiwan's restoration from Japanese occupation, National Taiwan University College of Medicine set up the Department of Forensic Medicine in 1945, but the Department was closed in 1960. However, after a period of 24 years, the Department of Forensic Medicine was restored in 1984. "Graduate Institute of Forensic Medicine" is set up in 2004, and "Department of Forensic Medicine under National Taiwan University Hospital" is also expected to establish in the future to provide forensic medical services, including clinical identification. In addition, the Institute is emphasizing on the promotion for legislation of "Forensic Physician Law" in order to establish a license system for this profession. Our Institute's research now is focused on Forensic Pathology and Forensic Toxicology and will expand to Forensic Odontology, Forensic Molecular Biology, and Forensic Psychiatry in the near future. After completing their studies, our graduates can continue to pursue Ph.D. in pathology, toxicology, molecular medicine, or forensic sciences fields. Otherwise, they can work as medical examiners or forensic science staff in different government institutions.設立目的: 傳授予學生現代法醫學的相關知識及技巧,如法醫病理學、法醫毒物學、法醫血清學、法醫分子生物學、法醫精神學、法醫牙科學等,使學生能將其所學的法醫學知識,應用於法醫學的鑑定工作,進而達成保障基本人權,維護社會正義之目的。 研究重點: 本科目前著重於法醫病理學、法醫毒物學及法醫分子生物學之研究。法醫病理學之研究重點為:法醫解剖與死因鑑定之相關研究、猝死案例與心臟傳導系統之研究、重大災難之人身鑑別分析等。法醫毒物學之研究重點為:發展定量生物檢體中微量毒物之方法、由福馬林固定組織定量毒物之研究。另外,有關酒精對毒物之毒性影響,農藥巴拉松及巴拉刮毒性之作用機轉亦有深入之探討。法醫分子生物學的研究重點為:對犯罪現場的生物跡證與保育類動植物產製品的鑑定,發展可靠的DNA鑑定方法,並累積數據,作為犯罪鑑定之用。在人身鑑定上,發展STR、Y-STR、mtDNA之鑑定方法與累積國人之族群數據,及建立親子、親屬鑑定模式。 未來發展: 本科為因應「法醫學研究所」之設立,除了積極推動「法醫師法」立法工作,以期建立法醫師專業證照制度外;並希望附設醫院增設的「法醫部」能早日開始運作,以期建立客觀中立、具公信力的法醫鑑定體系。而「法醫部」除可發揮提供一般民眾法醫鑑定服務之社會功能外,並可提供教學及研究之相互支援。Forensic MedicineAcademic Institute