2012-04-012024-05-15https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/666218摘要:高齡化之趨勢引發了全球對於銀髮族群之市場商機與高齡勞動力的關注。新興產品或服務之潛力由高齡化人口之快速增加所凸顯,不僅改變了原有的產業疆界,也創造出產業交互發展之可能性。另外,以往文獻認為,高齡勞動力雖然體能降低,但其穩定性、抗壓力、與不可移轉的隱性經驗,對於經濟所能帶來的貢獻,不僅侷限於其消費能力。然而反觀台灣企業仍以營運成本的角度看待高齡勞動力,並阻礙了高齡人才於組織績效上的展現。在高齡化造就的制度變遷中,企業不同回應策略將影響未來台灣產業之競爭力。 基於當前社會高齡化趨勢日趨嚴重,在諸多關於社會福利與老人長期照護措施的討論中,卻相當欠缺管理層面之研究。本研究擬結合制度理論與資源依賴觀點,探究國內企業組織如何能藉由調整內部營運與以新產品或服務來因應此一重要的人口結構變遷。於研究時程規劃上,第一年擬以國內、外個案研究及透過次級資料觀察的方式,釐清在面對高齡且化之趨勢下,企業係以何種策略回應。第二年將繼續針對國內產業進行問卷調查,期以大樣本之量化分析,驗證命題,並藉由研究發現,檢視我國企業組織對勞動人口與市場需求高齡化之趨勢的知覺程度與透過制度變革之策略性作為,最後也將研提企業如何提升高齡化趨勢下台灣產業競爭力之政策建議。 <br> Abstract: Firm growth has long been a focus of management studies. Various theoretical perspectives shed light on the rationale of firm action toward the ever changing environments. In the trend of aging society worldwide, scholarly attention and policy making concern more with social welfare and new technologies addressing the aging problems rather than the issues how firms adapt themselves in terms of internal adjustment and launching innovative product/service. To heed the recent calls for more inquiries into firm responsiveness to new institutions, this project is not only an attempt to integrate theoretical perspectives of firm behavior under uncertainty but also an investigation into the extent to which Taiwanese firms react to the trend of fast aging society by initiating innovative process internally for the aging workforce and launching new products or services for the aging customers. The 2-year project hereby will be conducted by both qualitative (case studies and secondary data collection) and quantitative approaches (survey and subsequent analyses) after establishing conceptual framework integrating two distinctive theoretical perspectives. The empirical evidence of firm responsiveness to the trend of aging society will inform policymakers about how quickly or slowly Taiwanese firms are currently making changes and how such changes in business practices diffuse across the field.高齡化勞動力組織制度策略性作為Aging societyWorkforceBusiness processStrategic action前瞻研究領航計畫【高齡化趨勢對企業營運流程與創新績效之研究】