臺灣大學: 生化科技學系蕭寧馨陳君婷Chen, Jiyuen-TiengJiyuen-TiengChen2013-03-212018-07-062013-03-212018-07-062010http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/247729因為計算機工具的發展與進步,人們可以藉由網際網路的途徑,方便且快速的獲取大量營養與健康資訊,因此網際網路是很有潛力改善營養健康的新管道。大學生是促進成年人健康生活模式的潛在重要目標族群,然而大學生對於營養與健康的認知與行為卻仍須加強。台灣營養資訊網為國內第一個個人飲食管理網站,可提供多種食材與食譜的即時線上查詢,並建立「個人飲食紀錄」。本研究目的包括:1.台灣營養資訊網之「資料查詢」與「個人飲食紀錄」各項功能的使用性評估。2.台灣營養資訊網的使用對於台灣大學健康大學生的營養與飲食攝取情況是否有影響。材料與方法:網路使用者為國立台灣大學修讀通識課程之大學生,男女不拘,排除無法配合電腦操作與問卷調查,共68人。研究期間為為2010年3月~2010年6月。本研究分為兩階段,第一階段為研究工具準備,針對台灣營養資訊網的使用,設計使用者使用評估問卷,以及飲食營養評估問卷(KAP survey與FFQ)。第二階段為使用者資料收集,第1週為前測飲食營養問卷,第3週進行台灣營養資訊網「資料查詢」功能使用性評估,第4週進行台灣營養資訊網「個人飲食紀錄」功能使用性評估,第5~12週請使用者自行使用台灣養資訊網的各項功能,並進行至少4次飲食紀錄,於第12週進行網站使用評估及後測飲食營養問卷,以了解使用台灣營養資訊網2個月後,使用者的想法與飲食影響。結果:在台灣營養資訊網使用性評估的部份,「資料查詢」功能的介面操作、資料存取難易度、資料適切性、滿意度等項目表現均較好。使用網站2個月後,網站使用評估發現使用者使用意願降低,使用者的想法多屬於行為改變前期階段,行為改變的意願較低;KAP survey發現對於特定營養知識(營養密度)的答率顯著增加,其餘部份無顯著影響;FFQ發現使用者的主食類、蔬菜類、水果類、畜禽肉與海產類、其他蛋白質類(蛋和豆類)、奶類等飲食攝取頻率顯著增加。結論:台灣營養資訊網的「資料查詢」功能使用性較好。使用網站2個月後,使用者特定營養知識與飲食攝取特性攝表現均有改善。Background: Development and progress of computer tools, people can access a large number of nutrition and health information through the Internet conveniently and quickly. Internet become a potential new pathway to improve the nutritional health. College students is a potentially important target group to promote healthy lifestyle for adult. However, college students lack enough knowledge of nutrition and health. Taiwan Nutrition Information Website (TNIW) is nutrition tools firstly designed for personally dietary management inTaiwan. TNIW provides enquiry of ingredients and recipes for user, and establishes dietary record. Purpose: 1. The usability of TNIW functions: the "Enquiry" and "Personally dietary record." 2. The influence of TNIW of Dietary Intake of College Students. Methods: Users recruited from the National Taiwan University General Course students, male and female informal, with the computer and can not rule out the survey, a total of 68 people. Study period for the March 2010 ~ June 2010. This study is divided into two phases. The first stage is preparing research tools. Designing the usability evaluation questionnaire and dietary questionnaire (KAP survey and the FFQ). The second stage is data collection for users. At frist week, user answer pre-test dietary questionnaire. At third week is the usability of TNIW functions: the "Enquiry" evaluation questionnaire. At fourth week is the usability of TNIW functions: the "Personally dietary record" evaluation questionnaire. In 5~12 week, users use TNIW and establishes dietary record at least 4 times. At 12 week, user answer Website usage evaluation questionnaire and post-test dietary questionnaire. Results: In the usability of TNIW, the "Enquiry" of the interface operation, degree of difficulty of data access, data relevance, performance and satisfaction items are better than the "Personally dietary record." After 2 months of using the website, users will to using TNIW decrease, and users’ behavior are mostly early stage of change. KAP survey found that users significantly increase a specific nutritional knowledge “nutrient density.” FFQ found that users’ food intake frequency increased significantly, such as cercel, vegetables, fruits, poultry meat and seafood, and other proteins (eggs and beans), milk. Conclusion: The usability of TNIW''s "Enquiry" function is better . After 2 months of using the site, user improve s a specific nutritional knowledge and dietary intake.20703897 bytesapplication/pdfen-US台灣營養資訊網使用性飲食攝取大學生飲食頻率問卷Taiwan Nutrition Information WebsiteUsabilityDietary IntakeCollege StudentsFFQ[SDGs]SDG3台灣營養資訊網的使用性與對於大學生飲食攝取影響之初步探討Taiwan Nutrition Information Website Usability and Influence of Dietary Intake of College Students: A Preliminary Studyhttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/247729/1/ntu-99-R97b47303-1.pdf