趙治宇臺灣大學:物理研究所陳岳鴻Chen, Yueh-HungYueh-HungChen2007-11-262018-06-282007-11-262018-06-282005http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/54558鐵電型液晶材料在液晶材料學中是相當具有潛力的一種材料,其快速的反應時間,有利於未來顯示器方面的應用,而了解其基礎結構排列則是最基礎的也是最重要的。聚光干涉(Conoscope)的觀察是相當好的一種方法,利用簡單的光學干涉圖形再配合一些計算,我們就可以判斷液晶材料的分子結構排列。 本篇論文的研究重點就是透過聚光干涉的觀察方法,去觀察未知的液晶材料。我們取得了兩種材料,試著從分析聚光干涉的干涉圖形來判斷它們在不同溫度下的相位,而我們的實驗結果不僅顯示出聚光干涉是個相當好的相位鑑別的方法,也確定了我們所觀察的材料是鐵電型液晶。The ferroelectric liquid crystal materials are a kind of materials with great potential in liquid crystal (LC) material field. The property of fast switching time makes them to have great application in liquid crystal display. To understand their arrangement structure is the most fundamental and important thing. As we know the arrangement structure of a LC material, we can further make it for applications in LCD industry or academic research. Conoscope is a good method for this purpose. By analyzing the interference patterns of LCs, we can identify the molecular arrangement structure of LC materials. The main research purpose in this thesis is to observe unknown phase liquid crystal materials by conoscope. We get two materials with unknown phase. By analyzing the interference patterns of them, we try to identify the phase at various temperatures. The results of our experiment show that the conoscope is really a good method for phase identification and the materials we observed are ferroelectric liquid crystal materials.致謝 I 摘要(中文) II ABSTRACT III CONTENT IV~V LIST OF FIGURES VI~IX CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 1~11 1.1 Discovery of Liquid Crystal 1 1.2 Types of Liquid Crystal 1 1.2.1 General Classification 1 1.2.2 Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Phase 4 1.3 Properties of Liquid Crystal 6 1.3.1 Orientational Order Parameter 6 1.3.2 Dielectric Constants 6 1.3.3 Refractive Index 7 1.3.4 Elastic Constants 8 1.3.5 Viscosity 10 CHAPTER 2. LIQUID CRYSTAL PHASE IDENTIFICATION 12~33 2.1 Introduction of Conoscope 16 2.2 Nematic Phase and Tilt Angle Calculation 22 2.3 Ferroelectric LC Phase Identified by Conoscope26 CHAPTER 3. EXPERIMENTS AND SETUPS 34~40 3.1 Sample Preparation 34 3.1.1 Cell Preparation 34 3.1.2 Free-standing Film Preparation 35 3.2 Experiment Setup 36 3.2.1 Observation of Polarizing Microscope 36 3.2.2 Observation of Conoscope 37 3.3 Experiment Process 39 CHAPTER 4. RESULT AND DISCUSSION 41~62 4.1 Nematic Material 41 4.2 MBE-330 Material 42 4.3 R2801 Material 50 4.4 Mixed Material 57 CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSIONS 63~643758285 bytesapplication/pdfen-US聚光干涉鐵電型液晶相位ConoscopeFerroelectric liquid crystalphase利用聚光干涉方法鑑定鐵電型液晶相位之研究Conoscope Study on Ferroelectric Liquid Crystalsthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/54558/1/ntu-94-R92222041-1.pdf