2010-08-012024-05-13https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/653879摘要:本計畫企圖配合朱熹的歷史處境、政治作為及其經學、理學與史學的發展,以探討其政治思想形成與發展的過程,並運用比較其前後學人及比較中西政治思想的方法,以深入探討其政治思想體系的特色。在中國思想史乃至政治史上,朱子的政治思想極為重要,然而目前學界的相關研究卻很不足。在現有的研究中,雖也有一些相當不錯的成果,可惜尚未能全面而深入地研究朱子政治思想體系,尤其是極少配合其歷史處境與政治作為,探討其形成與發展的過程。至於從比較中西、比較前後學人,或結合經學與理學的觀點所做的研究,分量更為寡少。本計畫之提出,即以彌補這些缺憾為目的。 本計畫將分為三大部分進行:一、分年搜尋及排比朱熹一切有關政治思想方面的材料,以仔細考察其政治思想的形成與發展過程。二、結合其理學、經學與史學的發展以研究其政治思想。三、用比較的方法將朱子的政治思想及其發展的方式與其前代與當代的學者加以比較,並從中西比較之觀點,將朱子與主要的西方政治思想家做比較,從而深入探討朱子思想之特質,並配合其歷史背景,做進一步的分析。希望透過這個過程,對於朱子的政治思想有較全面而深入的理解。 <br> Abstract: This project intends to study the formation and development of Zhu Xi’s political thought by putting it in the context of his political and historical situation,his political career, and the development of his Neo-Confucianism, classics study and historical study. Zhu Xi’s political thought plays a very significant role in Chinese intellectual history. However, its modern study has been far from adequate in terms of quantity and quality. This study intends to study not only the content of his politcial thought, but also its internal change and external background and chanllenges. In the meantime, I will compare Zhu Xi with Chinese scholars before and during this age and with major Western thinkers so as to see the characteristics of his political thought more clearly.朱熹朱子政治思想形成與發展理學經學史學大學儀禮Zhu XiPolitical ThoughtFormation and Development,朱熹政治思想的形成與發展