2008-01-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/682290摘要:一、輸入植物隔離檢疫項目之評估及標準作業流程之建立 計畫重點將評估現有應施隔離檢疫項目是否增減,及留檢期間應檢測之病蟲害種類,並依據相關檢測技術與疫病害蟲潛伏期之長短,建立隔離植物標準作業流程。 二、進口花卉無性繁殖種苗病害調查及風險評估 針對進口花卉無性繁殖種苗,調查並確認其於田間栽培期間真菌、細菌、病毒及其他可能病原之種類與危害情形,評估其可能立足與危害之風險,提供防檢局參考據以訂定或適當之檢疫管理措施。 三、國內外來寵物昆蟲利用現況及風險評估(二) 寵物一向是人們重要的伴侶,而隨著網路的發達,人民的好奇心也日漸強烈,越來越多不屬於傳統寵物規範的新興寵物受到廣大的喜愛。其中寵物昆蟲在這三年的發展速度更是驚人,從2002年台北的5間專賣店到現在總共有20間專賣店,成長幅度高達四倍之多。而在其他水族店或是傳統寵物店,甚至是在街邊的攤販,都可以發現販賣寵物昆蟲的情形。可是面對這樣的狀況,卻沒有相對應的管理辦法,其衍生出來的許多問題都令人擔憂。本文藉由對台北縣市內的店家做抽樣調查,呈述目前現況及問題所在,並且參考日本的前車之鑑來設想可能有效的解決方式。 四、建立蘋果蠹蛾之量化風險性評估 台灣每年從美國大量輸入蘋果,但從2002年11月起台灣從海關中陸續檢測出蘋果蠹蛾幼蟲,因此美方在2006年8月提出「蘋果蠹蛾輸入台灣與立足之定量風險評估」報告,在報告中陳述入侵之因子與量化其最終在台灣建立族群之機率,但從昆蟲生態面與量化統計面皆顯示此報告存在許多缺失,為了維護台灣自然生態、農業環境、及社會經濟的重大損失,故有必要整合各領域專家意見來回應並驗證美方報告的意見。<br> Abstract: 1.Assessment of plant post entry quarantine items and the establishment of their standard operation procedures This project was dedicated to assesses plant species for post entry quarantine and the pest species necessary to be detected during the post entry quarantine periods. 2.Pathogen inspection and risk assessment of imported vegetative flower propagation materials This proposal is to investigate plant pathogens that possibly carried in imported flower vegetative propagated materials such as bulbs, cuttings or tissue cultured materials. Disease development of these propagation materials after cultivation in the fields will be monitored. Risk assessment of those intercepted pathogens will be conducted to verify their potential to become endemic and cause economic loss. These information will be a good reference for BAPHIQ to re-evaluate their quarantine regulation against imported ornamental vegetative propagation materials. 3.The utilization and the risk estimation about the domestic outside pet`s insects` present situation Pets have become important partners for people, and with the Internet developed, and the people`s curiosity also growing strongly, more and more pets are not traditional norms of the emerging loved by the great majority of pets. The pet insects in the three years of rapid development are even more alarming, from the 2002 Taipei`s five stores up to now a total of 20 insects boutique boom, the growth rate of up to four times as much as. In other aquarium shops or traditional pet shops, or even in the streets of vendors, the sale can be found pet insect situation. However, faced with such a situation, no corresponding management practices, many of the issues arising from both a cause for concern. This paper by the Taipei City and County of stores do sample survey stated the current situation and the problems, and the lesson to draw on ideas likely to be effective solutions. 4.Quantitative risk assessment for the introduction and establishment of codling moth Taiwan represents a large market for U.S. apple exports. However, the codling moths (CM) have been intercepted in Taiwan since November of 2002. Therefore, the government of U.S. proposed “Quantitative risk assessment for the introduction and establishment of codling moth associated with apples” to clarify the safety of CM introduced in Taiwan via apples. With respect to the report, it claimed to identify the risk factors and estimate the probability quantitatively. Nevertheless, there are a lot of fallacies existed at the report from entomological and statistical views. In order to maintain natural surrounding, agricultural environment and social economy, it is imperative to organize the experts of the different fields to response and verify the quantitative risk assessment of U.S.檢疫植物病害花卉無性繁殖種苗量化風險性評估有害生物quarantineplant diseasesflower vegetative propagation materialsQuantitative risk assessmentpests建立植物有害生物風險分析技術-輸入植物隔離檢疫項目之評估及標準作業流程之建立