黃耀輝2006-07-252018-06-292006-07-252018-06-291998-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/4931本研究目的在釐清維修工程師於 維護離子植入機台時的砷暴露。共有21 名維修工程師及10 名電腦程式設計師 分別作為暴露組及非暴露組的研究對 象。空氣、擦拭及尿液樣本,以及使用 過的擦拭布及手套都被收集來當作砷 的暴露樣本。結果顯示,除了部份擦拭 樣本、擦拭布及手套有較高砷含量外, 一般工作環境中的砷暴露相當低。但維 修期間工程師的尿中砷濃度平均上升 4.4 ug/g creatinine ,可能是因未適 當使用防護具及不小心接觸砷粉塵而 造成暴露。此外,本研究採用的連續性 尿中砷監測可取代環境採樣用來評估 此項特殊行業的低濃度砷暴露。The purpose of the present study was to delineate the potential arsenic exposure for engineers during the ion implanter maintenance. A total of 21 maintenance engineers and 10 computer programmers were recruited as exposed and non-exposed group, respectively. Air, wipe, urine samples, used cleaning cloth and gloves were collected for the characterization of arsenic exposure. Results showed that arsenic levels were very low in environmental samples except some episodes of high arsenic contents in wipe samples, used cleaning cloth and gloves. However, an average elevation of 4.4 ug/g creatinine in urinary arsenic level was estimated among maintenance engineers without adequate and effective personal protection, probably due to the inadvertent contact with dust arsenic around the work areas. Also, it is concluded that a series of urine samples with self-reference is good enough to monitor such low-level arsenic exposure in this industry.application/pdf53026 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學公共衛生學院職業醫學與工業衛生研究所砷化氫尿離子植入機台維修ArsenicArsineUrineIon Implanter Maintenance半導體業員工作業環境金屬暴露—離子植入機台維修工程師之砷暴露Occupational Metal Exposure Among Workers of Semiconductor Industry – Engineers’ Arsenic Exposure During Ion Implanter Maintenancereporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/4931/1/872314B002348.pdf