黃光裕臺灣大學:機械工程學研究所陳奕達Chen, Yi-TaYi-TaChen2007-11-282018-06-282007-11-282018-06-282006http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/61509本論文之研究目的在於設計開發微小型氣靜壓磁浮混合式軸承,以氣靜壓軸承結構為主,搭配以磁浮作用原理來穩定氣靜壓軸承之運轉條件。氣靜壓軸承結構上採用軸套式的設計,以獲得較佳承載能力及穩定性,磁浮裝置則是利用兩個強磁力的銣鐵硼磁石以斥力方式提供氣靜壓軸承軸向預力,以達到較穩定和較佳的氣膜間隙。軸承除了作用原理之整合外,還設計發展出短軸式和長軸式兩種混合式軸承系統,透過幾何尺寸和配置變化達到較佳性能。混合式軸承系統並且整合了氣渦輪的設計,完成整體高速主軸之開發,由高壓氣體之噴射驅動氣渦輪高速旋轉。氣靜壓軸承理論分析上採用了雷諾方程式之推導,分析得軸承設計和運轉參數對承載力和剛性之影響,並搭配Fluent有限元素3D流場模擬作細部設計參數之性能影響分析。磁浮裝置除了應用磁場等效迴路分析之外,也採用Maxwell電磁模擬軟體就磁石配置和幾何尺寸對磁預力影響進行分析。實驗測試主要項目為混合式軸承之承載力、剛性和振動以及氣渦輪轉速等,以確認各項影響因素和其對性能之影響效果。The aim of the thesis is to design and develop a micro aerostatic-magnetic hybrid bearing. The aerostatic bearing provides the main function to supply supporting force to the rotating shaft, and the magnetic levitation principle is applied to stabilize the operational condition of aerostatic bearing. For achieving high load capacity and stability, the sleeve type shaft is developed for the aerostatic bearing; the two NdFeB magnets are used in the magnetic device to produce the axial pre-load on the aerostatic bearing for realizing a stable and optimal air gap. Besides the combination of the aerostatic and the magnetic principles, a short-shaft bearing and a long-shaft bearing are designed and developed to study the influences of the geometric sizes and the structural arrangement on the performance. For generating high speed spindle’s rotation, an air turbine driven by the high pressured air jet is developed and integrated with the hybrid bearing. The Reynold’s equation is derived and modified to analyze the influences of the design and operational parameters of the aerostatic bearing on the load capacity and the stiffness. Furthermore, the 3-D finite element software FLUENT is utilized to investigate the detailed influential effects of the design parameters. For developing and optimizing the magnetic device, the magnetic-circuit method and the Maxwell electromagnetic simulation software are used to analyze the influences of the arrangement and the geometric dimensions of the magnets on the magnetic pre-load. The main testing items for the hybrid bearing are load capacity, stiffness, vibration and rotating speed, which are measured to verify the effects of the influential parameters.誌謝 Ⅰ 中文摘要 Ⅱ 英文摘要 Ⅲ 目錄 Ⅳ 圖目錄 Ⅵ 表目錄 Ⅷ 符號說明 Ⅸ 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 文獻回顧 2 1.3 研究目的 3 1.4 內容簡介 4 第二章 混合式氣靜壓軸承簡介 5 2.1 非接觸式軸承種類與特點比較 5 2.1.1 氣壓軸承型式及優缺點 5 2.1.2 磁浮軸承與其特性 9 2.2 混合式氣靜壓軸承之綜覽 11 第三章 混合式磁浮-薄膜氣靜壓軸承理論分析 13 3.1 概念設計 13 3.2 混合式軸承理論分析模型 13 3.2.1 氣靜壓軸承之理論模型 13 3.2.2 磁浮裝置之模型建立 20 3.3 混合式軸承之數值分析 27 3.3.1 流場及壓力分佈之分析 27 3.3.2 磁場分析 32 第四章 混合式磁浮-薄膜氣靜壓軸承與氣渦輪轉軸之實體設計 36 4.1 混合式軸承實體化結構 36 4.2 軸承結構設計 37 4.3 氣渦輪轉軸設計 39 4.4 長軸混合式軸承結構 41 第五章 磁力預壓氣靜壓軸承轉軸之實驗架構與性能測試 44 5.1 實驗架構 44 5.2 短軸混合式軸承性能 46 5.3 長軸混合式軸承性能 47 5.3.1 軸承剛性與負載能力 47 5.3.2 渦輪轉速 53 5.3.3 振動 55 第六章 結論 59 參考文獻 61 附錄A 長軸混合式軸承設計圖 63 附錄B 測力規規格與特性 69 附錄C 雷射位移量測器規格與特性 703330162 bytesapplication/pdfen-US氣靜壓軸承磁浮裝置混合式氣渦輪預力承載力剛性振動轉速aerostatic bearingmagnetic devicehybridair turbinepre-loadloadstiffnessvibrationrotating velocity氣靜壓磁浮混合式軸承之設計開發與性能探討Design and Development of Hybrid Magnetic-Aerostatic Bearing and Performance Investigationthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/61509/1/ntu-95-R93522623-1.pdf