2022-01-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/700711"政治學系以全球民主危機下的臺灣民主政體為主題,結合本系現有特色領域研究中心的專長,分組開創四項研究與教學議程:(1)創新測量民主危機的指標與大數據研究方法、(2)亞洲跨國民主動態調查、(3)中國崛起、權力轉移、威權韌性和批判創新的中國學知識論與方法論研究,以及(4)臺灣國家能力之民主治理研究。具體執行方法基本上係由四項議程主持人分別盤整、調配現有人力資源與研究項目,同時根據各自研究目標,羅列有關設備、人才、培育計畫與人員等清單,進行國際化攬才、招生、開課等。一方面藉以吸收國際最新研究成果與方法、技術,另一方面反饋臺灣政治學理論與實務經驗,並從中培育、提升師生國際化與教研能力,永續經營國際政治學門學術網絡。 當前以西方為典範的民主政體之危機,在Covid-19肆虐下一覽無遺,主流政治科學及其基本價值與治理理念,正面臨關鍵轉型期。當代民主政體如何在主流政治價值與科學防疫治理之間取得平衡的問題,不僅在於維繫民主政體發展,更來自於大國權力移轉和威權韌性的治理競爭。本系將透過上述目標與多路並進之創新方法,貢獻臺灣在當代政治科學反思與民主政體自我更新的研究,正是最佳時機,研究與社會貢獻之規模與國際化程度,必將能更加擴大。" "The NTU Dept of Politics is committed to providing excellence in three aspects for our work and goals. First of all, we aim at improving the excellence of our teaching, research, academic reputation and the international proportion of teachers and students measured against the School of Politics and International Relations of the Australian National University. We will be renowned for the quality of the contribution we made to the field of political science as Taiwan representative. Second, we integrate our research teams and resources to study four urgent and critical thematic agendas for Taiwan’s democratic regime. They are the quality of governance, the legitimacy of democracy, the challenges from global power transition and authoritarian resilience, and Taiwan’s efficacy of public governance. We will bring better results to the practical problems of daily political governance in our public life. Last but not the least, we are committed to the institutionalization of excellent teaching and research through international cooperation, networking and education. We will realize our plan of excellence through four pioneering agendas of teaching and research. Based on the established research centers, each of our agendas will be re-programed according to the new research objectives. For example, we will reorganize our research teams and resources, reframe the new sub-topics and indicators and meet the new requirements. On the one hand, we will contribute the experiences of Taiwan to the international communities. And we will also learn from our international counterparts on the other hand. While our focus is Taiwan, our horizons are global. Modern Western democratic regimes are undergoing the profound challenges in the post-Western era. The outbreak of covid-19 has made it even worse. The core issue facing all democratic regimes is how to balance the democratic values in the fights against this pandemic in an appropriate way. This is not only about the sustainability of democracy, but also related to the competition from the changing global order. Through the above-mentioned goals and strategies, we believe that Taiwan and our plan for excellence serve the best interests of our community, the environment, our nation and the world."民主化民主危機韌性權力移轉知識論DemocratizationCrisis of DemocracyResiliencePower Transitionpistemology大專校院人文與社會科學領域標竿計畫(配合款)