2019-01-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/677882摘要:為了將台灣的中醫藥研究推向國際化,且未有國際級的中醫藥學術電子期刊由台灣出版,衛生福利部於100年度推動成立國際中醫藥期刊計畫,成立「Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine;eJTCM」英文電子期刊網站,目的為了使台灣的中醫、中藥及中醫食療邁向國際化,並帶動國內中醫藥學術發展之進步,強化與國際之傳統醫藥學術研究交流網絡。本期刊迄今已發行8卷29期共計387篇文獻,延攬來自14個不同國家的專家編輯群,退稿率達81%,並已被PubMed, SCOPUS國際學術平台及醫策會收錄,為教學醫院評鑑學術性期刊認定標準。且本期刊於2015年轉至Elsevier出版社後,本期刊的文獻引用次數逐年以倍數成長,從2014年至2018年文章總共被引用1946次。至今也在”Complementary and Alternative Medicine”領域中,為Q1期刊,排名第9名。意味著長期的努力下,本期刊的持續運作亦有助於帶動國內中醫藥學術發展進步及研究交流,退稿率達81%也意味著我們對文章高品質的要求,並建構且維持最高品質在國際性中醫、藥、食療的學術地位,被SCI平台收錄指日可待。而108年為了達eJTCM持續發展與肩負提升國內中醫藥期刊品質並與國際接軌,本計畫執行內容重點為:1. 穩定維持「Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine;eJTCM」期刊網站出刊: 按季出刊,每季至少10篇文章。2. 持續運作並維持或更新編輯委員會: 廣邀各國具中醫藥背景的學者擔任顧問編輯與副編輯,增加歐洲、美洲等地區編輯委員會成員。3. 維護並更新「Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine;eJTCM」期刊網站功能與增修。4. 持續更新中醫藥比對詞庫(Chinese Medical Dictionary)。5. 研究團隊應包含中醫、中藥、西醫、西藥、營養、食品等各領域專家共同參與。6. 每年至少辦理1場本期刊推廣說明會。7.持續推廣宣傳本期刊網站,參與國內或國際會議,提升並尋找國際平台之曝光度,開拓各區域稿件來源,提升稿件品質。8.需持續進行申請或收錄於國內外資料庫,以提高曝光度。9.給予施政參考或具體應用之亮點構想。10.期中及期末驗收提報: 網站下載人數、本期刊文獻引用次數、退稿率等統計資料。<br> Abstract: In order to evaluate traditional Chinese medicine research in Taiwan to international platform, and there is no international-level Chinese medicine academic electronic journal published by Taiwan, the Ministry of Health and Welfare established the International Chinese Medicine Journal Project in 2011, and named the "Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine". The eJTCM of the website can make Chinese medicine and dietary therapy of Chinese medicine more international. And also promote the academic development of Chinese medicine, and strengthen the international traditional medicine of academic research on the network. This journal, eJTCM has published 8 volumes and 29 issues, 387 articles with the rejection rate of 81% until now, and has recruited editorial board from 14 different countries. eJTCM can be searched in PubMed, SCOPUS and accepted by Joint Commission of Taiwan. It means that it's an academic journal for teaching hospital evaluation criteria. Besides, publisher of eJTCM was transferred to Elsevier in 2015, the number of citations in this journal has grown exponentially year by year. From 2014 to 2018, the articles of the citation number are 1946. The ranking is 9th in the field of "Complementary and Alternative Medicine" for Q1 journals. It means that we made more and more efforts on this journal to promote the academic development and research of Chinese medicine for Taiwan in almost 8 years. And the rejection rate of 81% also means that we insist on high quality for articles and maintain the highest quality in the research field. We believe that we will be accepted by SCI in the future. In order to achieve this goal of eJTCM in 2019, the implementation of this project will focuses on:1. Keep publishing at least 10 articles of "Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine; eJTCM" in every issue.2. Maintain the Editorial board: invite to medicine scholars around with medical background as a consultant editor and editorial board member, a member of the editorial board, easpecailly from Europe, America.3. Maintain and update the "Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine; eJTCM" journal website functionality.4. Continue to update the thesaurus (Chinese Medical Dictionary).5. The team should include all areas of Traditional and Herbal Medicine, Preventive Medicine, Nutrition, Dietary therapy and other experts to participate.6. Hold at least one promotion of eJTCM every year.7. Promote the journal of eJTCM, like participating in national or international conferences to improve the visibility of eJTCM, and improve the quality of articles.8. Submit or complete domestic, foreign or other related database application or index every year.9. Provide the highlights or idea to the gorvenment.10. Provide statistics, citation number and rejection rate of eJTCM per year.國際級學術期中醫中藥中醫食療108年度提升國際級中醫藥學術期刊