臺灣大學: 國家發展研究所趙永茂;張維安;邱榮舉王保鍵Wang, Pao-ChienPao-ChienWang2013-03-292018-06-282013-03-292018-06-282011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/254216本論文以國際人權法及全球民主化浪潮所驅動的臺灣民主化與臺灣社會運動,及多元文化主義投射出之差異政治(the politics of difference)及制度肯認(institutional recognition)為基礎,來論述臺灣族群運動。臺灣客家運動是臺灣族群運動的一環,是受到臺灣原住民運動的刺激。本論文解析了臺灣客家運動興起原因及其內涵、重點;並進一步將臺灣客家政策分為三階段(1987年至2000年、2000年至2008年、2008年迄今),從憲法、法律、政策三層次加以析論。 本論文比較行政部門第一階段、第二階段,及立法委員提案等三個《客家基本法草案》版本,來解析《客家基本法》立法過程及其內容。並進一步就《客家基本法》所架構之母語權、文化權、客家文化創意產業、客家知識體系加以檢視。最後,則反思《客家基本法》之實踐及發展,並提出相關建議。 本論文之研究創見為:(1)建構「意識形態與語言政策光譜」以分析語言政策;(2)客家事務專責機構二軌制:設置「客家行政法人」;(3)明確化「客家文化重點發展區」之發展方向。至未來政策建言則有:(1)落實「臺灣客家運動的三層次發展策略」:臺灣應積極推動修憲,增訂「多元族群專章」;(2)「臺灣客家運動/客家政策/客家研究」三合一模式:促使「客家研究」(Hakka Studies)朝向「客家學」(Hakkaology);(3)以制度面及教育面機制復振客家母語;(4)以「客家文化創意產業」強化客家族群經濟權:繁榮客家庄以連結老、中、青客家人在客家庄永續發展;(5)積極建構客家知識體系:促使客家學成為獨立學門。This dissertation discusses the ethnic movement of Taiwan based on Taiwan’s democratization and social movements which were pushed forward by international human rights law and the global wave of democratization. The ethnic movement of Taiwan is also influenced by the politics of difference and institutional recognition of multiculturalism. Taiwan Hakka ethnic movement, one of Taiwan ethnic movements, is stimulated by the aboriginal movement. This dissertation analyzes the reasons, contents, and key points of Taiwan Hakka ethnic movement. Moreover, this dissertation divides Hakka policy into three stages (1987-2000, 2000-2008, 2008-present) and then analyzes Hakka policy from three points of view of constitution, law and policy. This dissertation compares three versions of Hakka Basic Law (draft law), included first administrative version, second administrative version, and legislative proposal version; and analyzes legislative process and the contents of Hakka Basic Law. Moreover, this dissertation analyzes the mother language rights; cultural rights; cultural and creative industries of Hakka Basic Law. Finally, this dissertation reviews the practice and the future of Hakka Basic Law. The contributions of this dissertation include three main points. First, we should establish “ideology and language policy spectrum” to analyze language policy. Second, I suggest two-track system of Hakka Affairs Institution, which set Hakka administrative legal person. Third, we should make clear the development direction of Hakka culture key development area. For the suggestions of future policy include five main points. First, Taiwan should promote a constitution amendment to add multi-ethnic chapter to implement three-level strategy of Taiwan Hakka movement. Second, we can promote the Hakka Studies, Hakkaology, through a model included Taiwan Hakka movement, Hakka policy, and Hakka research. Third, we can revive Hakka language through mechanism and education. Fourth, we should strengthen Hakka economic rights by promoting Hakka culture creative industries. Moreover, we can make Hakka people stay in their hometown by promoting these Hakka culture creative industries. Fifth, we should establish the Hakka knowledge system to promote Hakka Studies as an independent academic discipline.3059223 bytesapplication/pdfen-US臺灣客家運動客家基本法客語文化創意產業知識體系Taiwan Hakka MovementHakka Basic LawHakka LanguageCulture Creative IndustriesKnowledge System[SDGs]SDG16臺灣客家運動與《客家基本法》Taiwan Hakka Movements and Hakka Basic Lawthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/254216/1/ntu-100-D93341008-1.pdf