臺灣大學: 化學工程學研究所陳立仁林巧曦Lin, Ciao-SiCiao-SiLin2013-03-272018-06-282013-03-272018-06-282012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/252172高分子/界面活性劑系統已被廣泛應用於商用產品上,因此,高分子/界面活性劑系統間彼此作用力,受到許多研究與探討。在此研究中,我們利用恆溫滴定熱卡計 (ITC)、表面張力儀與 pH 計,以量測聚電解質 Poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) 與界面活性劑 n-octyltetraoxyethylene (C8E4) 間的交互作用力,藉以判別此系統的各項熱力學性質。當我們逐次將 C8E4 加入 PAA 溶液後,加入的 C8E4 達一定量時,會開始吸附在 PAA 分子鏈上,我們定義開始吸附到 PAA 上的濃度為臨界聚集濃度 (critical aggregation concentration , CA) 。接著,持續加入 C8E4 於系統中,直到 C8E4 在 PAA 高分子鏈上吸附達飽和,定義此濃度為飽和濃度 (saturation concentration, Cs)。當達飽和濃度後,繼續滴入 C8E4 達某一特定濃度時,C8E4 可在 PAA 溶液中,形成 C8E4 自身的微胞,此濃度定義為第二次臨界微胞濃度 (second critical micelle concentration, Cm)。本研究藉由恆溫滴定熱卡計、表面張力儀與 pH 計所測得之數據,以判別 PAA / C8E4 系統中各特徵濃度(CA、Cs 與 Cm),並仔細探討三種方法間,是否符合熱力學一致性。Polymer–surfactant mixtures have been used in a wide range of commercial applications. Therefore, their behavior is of great interest. In this study, isothermal titration calorimeter (ITC), surface tension and pH meter are applied to investigate the interaction between the surfactant n-octyltetraoxyethylene (C8E4) and the weakly dissociated polyelectrolyte, poly(acrylic acid) (PAA). When the surfactant C8E4 is added into the PAA solution, the critical aggregation concentration (CA) is defined as the onset concentration of binding surfactant onto polymer. While surfactant is further added into the system until polymer is saturated with bound surfactant. That defines the saturation concentration (Cs). The second critical micelle concentration (Cm) is then defined as the concentration where the surfactant starts to form free micelles beyond the saturation concentration. In this study: ITC, surface tension and pH data are applied to extract the information of CA, Cs and Cm. The consistency between these three methods is carefully examined and discussed.6207823 bytesapplication/pdfen-US聚電解質界面活性劑吸附表面張力吸放熱surfactantpolyelectrolyteadsorptionsurface tensionenthalpy聚丙烯酸與四聚乙二醇單辛醚系統之熱力學性質探討A Study on the Thermodynamic Properties of Interaction between Poly(acrylic acid) and n-Octyltetraoxyethylenethesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/252172/1/ntu-101-R99524028-1.pdf