陶錫珍Tao, Hsi-JenHsi-JenTao2006-07-252018-07-062006-07-252018-07-062005http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/10289「鸚鵡螺動物群」產於台灣南投縣中寮鄉大坑溪谷源 頭,化石埋藏於中部中新世石門層。石門層主要為青灰色 厚層中至細粒砂岩,夾有深灰色頁者及砂頁薄互層。岩層 含石灰質,緻密堅硬,以含頭足類為主的鸚鵡螺化石、翁 戎螺、腹足類、二枚貝,其他則有螃蟹、藤壼、海膽、鯊 魚牙齒、魚類、腕足類,以及小化石等。化石種類及含量 豐富,自成一個完整的動物群落,尤以鸚鵡螺及翁戎螺為 其特產,可稱為一個特殊而獨立的化石生物群,本文特命 名謂:鸚鵡螺動物群。The present report describes two species of nautiloid, several species of gastropod and bivalve fossils. They are as Kummeloceras taiwanum Huang, Sinautilus sinecus, n. sp. et gen., Entemnotrochus panchangwui Lin, Phalium (Semicassis) japonium (Reeve), Semicassis gracilenta (Yokoyama), Ficus subintermedia (d’Orbigny), Vipricardium taiwanensis Masuda and Huang, Pitar (Pitarina) cf. arisanensis (Yokoyama), and Callista chinensis Holton..etc. The studied materials were collected from the Shihman formation, middle Miocene, located at Taken Valley, Chungliohsang, Nantau Prefecture, Taiwan. The present fauna is also associated with abundant of different mollusks, crabs, echinoids, rare in fish-teeth, fish, brachiopod, algae and indeterminated bones. The supplemental studies on this subject to be complete in a coming future shortly. According to text-book: Principles of Inverbebrate Paleontology (Shrock, R.R. et Twenhofel, W.H., 1953), the developmental series of nautiloid sutures, showing propressive change in ventral and dorsal lobe from primitive Cimomia (Paleo.) to advanced Aturia (Mio), and Aturia became extinct in the Pliocene and the modern nautiloid form appears simultaneously. Matsumoto et al (1984) proposed a phologenic series which showing to progressive change of nautiloids during Triassic to the recent. According to him, firstly, the genus Cenoceras as a basic root (Triasic) and branches out of Eutrephoceras, Kummeloceras, and Cimonia. Secondary, during the Cretaceous period, the genera Pseudocenoceras, Nautilus, Angulithes, Herocoglossa, Aturoides, and Aturia are added. Those forms are mostly disappeared before upper Tertiary, the modern Noutilus is known from the Pliocene (text-fig.4). 陶錫珍2005 國科會專題研究報告-臺灣南投縣中寮鄉鸚鵡螺動物群 4 Henningsmoen, G. (1955, personal communication) a Norwegian paleontologist has proposed an evolutional hypothesis, namely: Zigzag evolution. which means the evolutional phenomenen is the sawteeth form, which progresses as zigzag course. The auther is attempting to apply this hypothesis to the present problem. e.g. The “Evolution of Nautiloid” is possibly showing a saw-teeth forms either (text-fig. 5). It shows sometimes orthogenic evolution from simple to complicate suture, and also might regressive from progressive, and complicate to simple suture, vertically shows covergent evolution but differences in time variety, divergent adaptation shows also orthogenic phenomenen, with a same time discontinued or/and continued, continued to discontinued. It is a rather random approach of an evolution, lastly a new nautiloid suture appears in (Pliocene) without a traceable evidence.application/pdf624824 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學生命科學系南投中新統鸚鵡螺動物群NautloidfaunaNantouTaiwan臺灣南投縣中寮鄉鸚鵡螺動物群Studies on the “Nautiloid fauna” from Chunglioshiang, Nantou Prefecture, Taiwanreporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/10289/1/932116M002015.pdf