2017-01-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/692061摘要:法學領域相當龐大,涉及許多分科與領域,惟不論何種分科,皆具有注重社會及人民之特色,除以理論之演繹與建構,為法律提供堅實的學術基礎外,亦關切法律於實務中之應用與實踐,是否能確實定紛止爭,保護人民之合法權益。學術與實務兩者之發展同等重要,不可偏廢。科技部人文司向來致力於學術之專精與充實,每一學門各有一位召集人,以協助人文司各項業務的規劃以及推動。學門召集人及副召集人之主要職責有: 1.建立公平公正公開之審查制度,以協助專題研究計畫申請案之推動及審查 2.召開學門會議,建立學門審查共識及審查之指引 3.出席國際會議、海外學人來華演講、延攬研究人才等申請案之審查 4.國際合作雙邊交流(合作領域規劃、優先合作項目建議、人員互訪交流)、補助國內舉辦國際學術研討會、補助團隊參與國際學術組織會議及補助跨國產學合作交流及專業人才培訓等申請案之審議 5.出席學門召集人會議、協助科技部相關業務之推展 6.協助撰寫法律學門研究成果年報,或協助提供該學門相關學術資料 7.其他學門相關業務之諮詢、規劃與推動 <br> Abstract: The domains of Law covers vast amount of different divisions and fields. However, they all share the common character of focusing on society and the people therein. In addition to the logical deduction and framing of legal theory which provide strong academic basis to the law, we also pay close attention to see how the law is being applied and practiced, and whether it can contribute to the resolution of disputes so as to protect the rights of people under the law. Both the academic and practical perspectives are equally important to the development of law. Department of Humanities and Social Science has been dedicating itself to the academic development all the time. The tasks and responsibilities of the convener of Law Division include: 1. To establish an open and unbiased grant proposal review system, in order to assist in the promotion and assessment of research grant proposals. 2.To chair the division meetings to establish guidance and standards of review process. 3.To attend international conferences, to participate in domestic forums/seminars/workshops by international renowned scholars, and to assess recruitment applications of researchers. 4.To facilitate international collaborations such as bilateral research collaboration program, planning and recommendation of collaboration priorities, grants for hosting international conferences in Taiwan or personnel oversea exchange and training. 5.To attend convener meetings. 6.To assist the writing of annual report in research achievements and performance of the division of Law. 7.To provide consultation and assistance to the missions of other divisions, if requested.學門業務推動學門業務規劃Planning of the Division`s tasksDevelopment of the Division`s researchs法律學門規劃研究推動計畫