吳家麟Wu, Ja-Ling臺灣大學:資訊工程學研究所林恆毅Lin, Heng-YiHeng-YiLin2010-06-092018-07-052010-06-092018-07-052009U0001-2107200910102900http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/185409在我們的論文之中,我們提供了一個從給定音樂中,自動選取合適音樂片段的系統,並且盡可能地把選取出來的音樂片段順暢的串接起來。然而如我們所能理解,要拼接不同音樂片段且不導致任何瑕疵是一個十分棘手的問題。主要的難度在於人耳的聽覺跟電腦所感應的聽覺,實際上是有很大的差距的。此外,結合起來的結果好壞與否,其實主要是取決於人們的感受。於是我們對拼貼方法的關係以及拼接音樂的聽覺品質理想與否作了一連串的實驗來佐證我們的假設。整體而言,我們所拼貼出來的音樂,大多能被受試者所接受,有時甚至會讓他們驚呼不已。所以有了這樣的系統之後,對於多媒體聲音檔案有諸多的應用,例如像是自動產生擴張或縮減的背景音樂,或者是自動產生舞蹈組曲。In this thesis, we provide a tool for automatically choosing proper music clips from a given audio clip collections and combining the chosen clips together as euphonious as possible. To seamlessly concatenate two different music clips without causing any audible defect is really a hard nut to crack. The main difficulty lies in the gap between human feeling and computer hearing. Since whether the combined music euphonious or not highly depends on human’s feeling, we conduct subjective evaluation on the correlation between pasting methods and auditory quality of combined clips. The experimental results show that the automatically generated music pastes are acceptable to most of the evaluators. The proposed system can be used to generate lengthened or shortened background music and dancing suite, which is useful for some audio-assisted multimedia applications.ABSTRACT IXHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION AND MOTIVATION 1HAPTER 2 RELATED WORK AND SYSTEM OVERVIEW 3.1 RELATED WORK 3.1.1 Techniques for Editing Audio 3.1.2 Techniques for Analyzing Audio 6.1.3 Combining Music in the Symbolic Domain 7.1.4 Combining Music in the Waveform Domain 8.2 SYSTEM OVERVIEW 8HAPTER 3 FEATURE EXTRACTION 13.1 BEAT ONSET 13.2 LOUDNESS 14.3 TEMPO 15.4 CHROMA 15.5 RHYTHM 17HAPTER 4 CONCATENATION OF TWO CLIPS 19.1 TRANSITION SEGMENTS 19.2 TRANSITION LENGTH 21.3 SYNTHESIS PROCESS 25HAPTER 5 MUSIC FILTERING AND ORDERING 29.1 MUSIC FILTERING 29.1.1 Loudness Dissimilarity 29.1.2 Tempo Dissimilarity 30.1.3 Chroma Histogram Similarity 31.2 MUSIC ORDERING 32HAPTER 6 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND USER EVALUATION 35.1 THE JUST NOTICEABLE DIFFERENCE OF TEMPO 35.2 OVERLAP LENGTH DISCUSSION 37.3 COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT SIMILARITY MEASUREMENTS 39.4 COMPARISON WITH AUTOMATED DJ 40.5 THE EFFECT OF KNOWING THE TRANSITION POINTS IN ADVANCE 41.6 COMBINATION WITH TILING SLIDESHOW 43.7 DISCUSSION 44HAPTER 7 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK 47EFERENCES 491345468 bytesapplication/pdfen-US音樂拼貼相似矩陣速度最小辨識差音樂篩選音樂排序速度與音量的調整music pasteconcatenate music clipssimilarity matrixtempo adjustmentJust noticeable differencemusic filteringmusic ordering以音度與節奏為導向之音樂拼貼Chroma and Rhythm Oriented Music Pastethesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/185409/1/ntu-98-R96922016-1.pdf