國立臺灣大學醫學院外科許榮彬2006-07-262018-07-112006-07-262018-07-112001-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/24433我們嘗試用蛋白基因體分析的方式,來研究複雜的心臟血管疾病的病因。我們以 擴張性心肌病變(dilated cardiomyopathy; DCM) 作研究目標,以鑑別出與DCM 相關的蛋 白質與蛋白質修飾基。我們使用差別性萃取法(Differential extraction)純化心肌纖維蛋白 後,使用二維膠質電泳(Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis)分離這些蛋白質,再用質譜儀 作心肌纖維蛋白質的鑑定與修飾基的研究。舉mlc-2 蛋白為例,我們發現此心肌蛋白之 Ser -14 有磷酸化發生;而另一心肌蛋白ATP synthase subunit,則無修飾基產生。我 們將這些資料加以整理,以比較組織間修飾基種類差異,並且找出DCM 病人所特有之 蛋白質修飾基。We employed proteomics methods to analyze myocardial proteins derived from DCM myocardium, particularly myofibril proteins. Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a severe heart disease leading to heart insufficiency and many patients require heart transplantation to correct the disease. We successfully isolated myofibril proteins using differential extraction method and then resolved them on a 2D gel electrophoresis system. The identities of proteins are verified using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and specific modifications on these proteins can also be identified. Using myosin regulatory light chain 2 (mlc-2) as an example, we demonstrated that how modification is mapped using selected ion tracing approach. We also employed the similar approach to study proteins involved in energy metabolism. As an example, the ATP synthase subunit was identified on the 2D gel and analyzed for its post-translational modifications. Surprisingly, no modification was found beside the methionine oxidation. We have been investigating the post-translational modification of other cardiac proteins. These data will be complied to identify myocardiumspecific modifications as well as to find markers for DCM hearts.application/pdf360147 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學醫學院外科擴張性心肌病變蛋白質基因組分析質譜儀二維膠質電泳dilated cardiomyopathyproteomicstandem mass spectrometrytwodimensional gel electrophoresis[SDGs]SDG3心臟血管疾病之蛋白質基因組研究實驗室- 擴張性心肌病變之基礎研究Proteomics Laboratory for Cardiovascular Diseases : The Studies of Dialated Cardiomyopathy via Proteomics Approachreporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/24433/1/892314B002285.pdf