余政靖2006-07-252018-06-282006-07-252018-06-282003-08-26http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/9344從 中度的尺度(meso-scale)來看,清淨製程 是化學工業永遠發展的主要技術。本年度的計劃並 進一步以巨觀的尺度(macro-scale)來探討永續 發長對程序系統工程的影響。由於一大部份的工廠 的原料將不再由原料直接煉製而是藉由資源回收 而取得,這導致了正向回饋(positive feedback), 我們將探討在此情況下,工廠操作範圍(turndown ratio)的改變以及對未來工廠設計的影響。利用 生命週期評估提供一有系統之物流分析,其主要目 的在於分析一產品之流程圖及對於外在環境之影 響。一般而言,生命週期分析主要是針對物流及能 量之穩態特性加以討論,而本文之主要目的在於將 系統之動態特性加入生命週期內加以討論。利用廣 為熟知之方塊圖引入生命週期內,此時生命週期即 具有動態之特性。而一般自然界之資源如:水,紙 類,或金屬等,均為可回收再生資源,此一特性即 為一迴流結構。迴流結構的動態行為一正向回饋之 系統,因此我們可以由動態之結果得知,當一物流 有效迴收使用時,整體之動態會變慢。這暗示著當 系統愈有效的利用物料時,製程之韌性變差,此時 必須考慮系統庫存量使用,以解決製程韌性上的問 題,並提出有效的改善策略。The life cycle assessment (LCA) offers a systematic approach in identifying the potential in reducing environmental burden throughout the product life cycle. In this work, the dynamic aspect of the LCA is studied. First, the well-known block diagram analysis is incorporated in the LCA and the implications of recycling to process dynamics are explored. The result indicates that, as the result of the positive feedback from material recycling, the overall production dynamics becomes much slower. This implies a lack of flexibility as more and more recycled materials are utilized in product manufacturing and it cannot be foreseen without incorporating dynamics in the LCA. In order to meet the market demand, increased inventories for the raw and recycled materials are needed to compensate the slow recycle dynamic and a larger turn down ratio is necessary for the raw material processing plants. The missing inventory, due to slow dynamics, can be expressed analytically in terms of the recycle ratio and the recycle time constant. It can be used for legislating new recycle policies which can alleviate the increased inventory and large turndown ratio problems for the future processing plants. The results indicate that the dynamical LCA provides a better assessment of product life cycle and, moreover, only the recycle ratio and recycle time constant are needed to complete the analysis.application/pdf67249 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學化學工程學系暨研究所[SDGs]SDG7[SDGs]SDG12清淨製程:熱整合與迴流結構的探討(3/3)Dynamical Life Cycle Assessment: Implications to Design and Operation of Industrial Processes(3/3)reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/9344/1/912214E002038.pdf