2010-08-012024-05-13https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/644483摘要:高能聚焦超音波(HIFU)是一種利用超音波的熱效應來燒灼腫瘤的治療方法,它的特點是低侵襲性、無放射性而且可以反覆給予,是近年來極具潛力的癌症治療方法。然而HIFU 缺乏良好的即時監測系統來準確控制燒灼的範圍與位置;過長的燒灼時間使得聚焦目標因呼吸而移動也常造成使用上的困難。為了使HIFU 的治療更準確,方便精準的即時導引系統就顯得非常重要。目前被用來引導 HIFU 的影像系統有核磁共振和斷層掃描,這些影像雖然可以精確地觀測肝腫瘤位置,但其取樣頻率太低,而且影像處理費時,無法即時得知肝腫瘤隨呼吸運動所產生的位移。本計畫將運用體外雷射定位技術測量呼吸運動所造成的胸腔及腹腔位移,來預測肝臟腫瘤的3D 位移,以之作為HIFU 燒灼的指引。第一年計畫將以 4 個固定在猪肝臟上的微型定位追蹤器紀錄肝臟的3D 位移,找出呼吸運動過程中體表位移和肝臟位移的關聯性,建立以體表位移預測肝臟位移的模組;第二年計畫將比較不同約束條件下:如限制胸部或腹部運動,模組的穩定性,以找出最佳的約束條件及參考點。第三年計畫將根據此模組結合其他子計畫所研發的控制系統,建立完整的HIFU 即時導引系統,並以動物腫瘤模型進行測試,驗證這套導引系統的準確性,以作為發展實際臨床運用的基礎。<br> Abstract: High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) is a new treatment modality for tumor ablating by its heateffect of ultrasound. It is non-invasive, without radiation and can be delivered repeatedly. Recently, HIFU isbecoming a potential method for cancer treatment. However, there are some shortcomings of HIFU. One ofthem is the lack of a good real-time tracking system. Position changes of the treatment targets due torespiratory movement during the prolonged ablation time usually lead to incomplete treatment and unwantedcomplications. In order to improve the precision HIFU, an accurate, convenient, and real-time guiding systemis very important.Currently, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computerized tomography (CT) has been used toguide HIFU treatment. These image studies can localize the tumor precisely, but their frequencies ofsampling are too low. Besides, it takes a period of time to analyze the images so that real-time tracking of thehepatic tumor during respiration is difficult. This project will develop a model to predict the 3-D positionchange of hepatic tumor during respiration by external laser displacement recording system, which cancontinuously record the movement of the thoracic and abdominal cavities. The model will be used asreal-time guiding system for HIFU ablation.In the first year project, we will implant 4 micro-position tracking sensors on the surface of porcine liverto record the real-time 3-D movement of the liver during respiration. After comparing with the external laserdisplacement recording system, we will fine the correlation between the body surface movement and the livermovement during respiration. A model will be developed to predict the location changes of hepatic tumorusing the body surface movement. In the second year project, we will compare the consistency of thepredicting model under different constraints, such as constraining the abdominal or thoracic movement. Wealso want to find the best constraining method and the reference points for this model. In the third yearproject, we will establish a complete real-time guiding system of HIFU ablation by combining the predictionmodel with the controlling system developed by other sub-project. We will test its accuracy with animalmodels bearing implanted hepatic tumors. The results of this study will become the basis for the futuredevelopment of clinical HIFU real-time guiding system.高能聚焦超音波即時腫瘤追蹤系統體外雷射定位技術微型定位追蹤器肝腫瘤呼吸 運動High-intensity focused ultrasoundreal-time tumor-tracking systemlaser displacement techniquemicro-position tracking sensorsliver tumorand respiratory movementThe Establishment and Validation of the Correlation between the Respiratory Parameters and the Movement of Hepatic Tumor during Respiration