臺灣大學: 土木工程學研究所康仕仲陳依伶Chen, I-LingI-LingChen2013-04-012018-07-092013-04-012018-07-092010http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/255894根據本研究的調查結果,三十五位受測者當中有三十四位表示曾經被公共空間的電燈開關所困擾或有開關錯電燈的經驗,例如教室、辦公室、會議室等。雖然開關燈的錯誤不會釀成災難,但會影響到空間中所有的人,干擾他人閱讀或是工作,如此尷尬的情況不論是正在開關電燈的使用者或是被影響的人都會感覺不愉快。 因此,本研究致力於提出合適的控制器介面讓使用者依照需求正確地控制公共空間的燈光。 本研究提出兩個主要造成使用者困擾的原因:一、公共空間樓地板面積通常較廣因而需要較多的燈具來提供足夠的照明,如此多數的燈具及開關便造成使用者操作時的困難;二、使用者不熟悉開關的正確使用方式且開關介面上未提供足夠的操作資訊。針對上述原因,本研究設計兩種具有平面圖資訊的多點觸控電燈控制器,分別命名為Map Light Controller (MLC)及Interactive Map Light Controller (IMLC)。 MLC介面提供二維空間平面圖資訊讓使用者直接操作空間位置上的燈具;IMLC介面則是提供三維彩色的空間平面圖及即時照明情況之回饋。兩種控制器都應用多點觸控之技術提供使用者可以以單指開關一盞燈,以雙指開關全部的燈之功能。 本研究分別進行量化(30位受測者)及質化(5位受測者)的使用性測試,受測者年齡介於18歲到28歲;其中質化使用性測試使用眼動儀做為實驗觀察工具。測試目的為驗證MLC介面及IMLC介面是否比一般常用之電燈開關介面(Rocker Light Switch及Light Control Bar)能減少對使用者的困擾及開關錯電燈的情況。 測試結果顯示,電燈開關之介面提供平面圖資訊有助於使用者正確開關電燈,特別以IMLC的三維彩色空間平面圖最被使用者喜歡且最助於使用者依照需求控制電燈;手勢控制之雙指開關全部的燈容易學習且有效率;介面具有足夠資訊,例如平面圖資訊或燈具亮度資訊,讓使用者能快速理解正確的燈光控制方式且減少多餘的視線移動使之輕鬆完成燈光控制。This research aims at designing light controllers suitable for controlling public lights. From the survey conducted in this research, we found that 34 of 35 participants have experienced confusion of lights controlling in public spaces, such as lecture halls, libraries, meeting rooms, and class rooms. One major reason is that public spaces usually include multiple lighting fixtures which sometimes are difficult to map out the switches. The other reason is that the controller may be unfamiliar to the users. Although some mistaken controls are acceptable, they may result in embarrassing situations. This research proposed two methods for controlling the lights. The first method, map light controller (MLC), is to integrate a gesture control and 2D CAD layout. Users might use one finger or two-finger-gesture to control the lights individually or as a group. The second method, interactive map light controller (IMLC), is to integrate a gesture control with an interactive 3D colorful display. We developed a simulator to simulate the use of MLC, IMLC, and two commonly used light switches: rocker light switch (RLS) and light control bar (LCB). A virtual lecture hall equipped with 60 seats and 7 independent luminaries was chosen as an experimental site. And we conducted two user tests, a qualitative test and a quantitative one, to validate MLC and IMLC in the control of these luminaries in the lecture hall. We first conducted a quantitative test (N=30) using three tasks of lighting controls and compared the speed and performance between controllers. In terms of speed and performance, MLC and IMLC were significant better than RLS. After the quantitative test, we set up EyeLink, an eye tracker, for measuring users'' (N=5) eye positions when controlling the lights in the simulator. We found that using both MLC and IMLC could reduce the eye movements between light controller and the virtual lecture hall. The users focused more on the controller as using RLS and LCB but more on the virtual lecture hall as using MLC and IMLC.2568483 bytesapplication/pdfen-US燈光控制多點觸控手勢控制使用者介面使用性測試Lighting controlMulti-touchGesture controlUser InterfaceUsability Test應用多點觸控技術控制公共光源─原型設計與使用者研究Using a Multi-touch Panel to Control Lights in Indoor Public Space - Prototype Designs and User Studiesthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/255894/1/ntu-99-R97521602-1.pdf