國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系副教授; 國立臺灣大學圖書館館員Associate Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, National Taiwan University; Librarian, National Taiwan University Library陳光華江玉婷2017-09-082018-05-302017-09-082018-05-302006-12http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/282244網際網路目前已成為學術資源查找的重要管道之一,學術圖書館在此間扮演的角色與提供的支援服務亦需隨之轉變。多數的學術圖書館持續地建立資源主題指引,提供使用者以瀏覽的方式,使用圖書館員精心挑選的學術資源,少有圖書館提供全文檢索的方式,讓使用者檢索學術資源。本文從現況之介紹與分析著眼,說明圖書館建立學術資源查詢服務可為使用者帶來的效益,提出一套圖書館與搜尋引擎業者的新合作模式,不僅可降低圖書館在人員與成本的負擔,且能夠提供使用者有別於瀏覽的方式,取用各種學術資源。文中並說明臺灣大學圖書館發展之學術資源網的設計精神、實作方法、介面使用、系統發展的各項考量,以及未來可以改進的方向。Internet has become one of the important channels for retrieval of academic resources in the recent years. The roles and service models of academic libraries has been changed accordingly. Most academic libraries have been providing subject directory (subject gateway) for users to browse the highly selected academic resources. On the contrary, few academic libraries managed to provide academic resources for user to retrieve. This article proposes a new model which the libraries will cooperate with search engine providers to support the full-text retrieval for academic resources in a low cost. We discuss the design and implementation of “NTU Scholars Gateway” based on the new model. In addition, the functionalities and future development of NTU Scholars Gateway are discussed as well.12241507 bytesapplication/pdf學術圖書館,學術資源,搜尋引擎,Academic Library, Academic Resources,Search Engines學術圖書館學術資源服務的新模式與實作A New Model and Its Implementation of Academic Resources Services for Academic Librariesjournal articledoi: 10.6182/jlis.2006.4(1.2).077http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/282244/1/0401-2_200606_4.pdf