文學院: 華語教學碩士學位學程指導教授: 竺靜華林均芳Lin, Chun-fangChun-fangLin2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/275016近年來,華語學習在全球蔚為風潮,檢測學習者能力水平的測驗應運而生。本文研究中級華語聽力能力測驗命題設計,旨在找出符合溝通交際功能之中級華語聽力能力測試的樣貌,檢測學習者之真實華語應用能力。 觀察現行兩種具影響力之華語聽力能力測試──華語文能力測試(TOCFL)和漢語水平考試(HSK)之中級測驗,在命題規範、語料選取與題型選用等層面皆未達溝通交際測試之目標。本文參考雅思(IELTS)、托福(TOEFL)等在《歐洲共同語文參考架構》的框架下建置的大型語言能力測驗,著手建立中級華語聽力能力測試的命題原則,並嘗試編製能如實檢測學習者聽力應用能力的測驗。 本文之研究成果有二: 一、以溝通交際測試法為主,編製中級華語聽力能力測驗。本文參考華語文能力指標,在主題式測驗的框架下,從測驗原則、測驗方式到測驗架構之建立,皆以貼近真實溝通交際情況為編寫依據。聽力語料選取重視真實性、規範性、實用性和廣泛性等原則,題型選擇則兼具科學性與真實互動的特性。 二、由命題研究,省思中級華語聽力教學。針對一般課程中並未強調聽力應用能力培養與理解策略引導,提出以下幾點建議: 1.指導學生使用「聽時理解」的方式,強化聽力內容之語音與意義的連結,增進聽力內容的理解。 2.在課程與教學中,增加聽力理解的專門訓練,以及教材編排中,則添加真實的互動交際任務。 3.引導學習者行使聽力理解策略與作答策略,使學習者達到趨近於母語人士的華語聽力理解水平。 以上研究結果除了作為將來中級華語能力測驗命題編製的參考,亦可作為後續教學研究與教材編寫之用,期能對華語聽力測驗與教學領域略盡棉薄之力。Over the past few decades, Chinese learning has become a growing global trend. Following the demand, language proficiency tests have emerged for Chinese learners. This paper examines the test design of the intermediate level of the Chinese listening proficiency test, and aims to establish what a competent Chinese listening proficiency test looks like, especially one that truly tests language communicative functions. Through examining the existing two influential Chinese listening proficiency tests – Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) and Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK), both of the intermediate level – we discovered that neither one adequately designed its structure, test materials, question types, and other elements so as to meet the objective of testing Chinese as a communicative language. This study references tests that conform to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), including the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), then proceeds to the establishing principles and guidelines for the intermediate level of Chinese listening proficiency tests, and tries to construct a test that accurately reflects the examinee’s proficiency. The major findings of this study are summarized as follows: 1.The study constructs an intermediate level Chinese listening proficiency test designed to test for communicative purposes. Designing within the framework of a thematic test, this study refers to the Chinese language competence scale, including testing principles, test methods, and test construction, and creates a test that involves language forms and contents that are applicable in daily life. Materials chosen are valued for their authenticity, normativity, availability, and the principles of universality. Furthermore, when choosing the question types, scientific and interactive features are all considered. 2.Through examining test design, the study reflects on the teaching aspect of intermediate level Chinese listening. Since it is clear that general Chinese curriculum do not emphasize listening comprehension or comprehension strategies, three suggestions are made: i.To lead students to apply the method of ‘listening and understanding at the same time’ in order to teach them to associate “phonetics and semantics” with “content comprehension.” ii.To increase specialized listening comprehension training in the curriculum and teaching, and to add interactive tasks in the teaching materials. iii. To guide students to apply listening comprehension strategies and question answering strategies to lead Chinese learners to achieve a native speaker’s listening ability. The above findings can serve as a reference not only for future researches on intermediate level Chinese listening proficiency tests but also for listening teaching and material writing. Hopefully, this study can contribute to some degree towards Chinese listening testing and teaching.3246526 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2021/8/2論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)華語聽力測驗溝通交際測試聽力理解試題編製後效作用Chinese listening testCommunicative language testListening comprehensionTest designBackwash effect中級華語聽力能力測驗命題研究與教學反思Test Design of the Intermediate Level Chinese Listening Proficiency Test and Reflection on Teachingthesis10.6342/NTU201601487http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/275016/1/ntu-105-R01146006-1.pdf