公共衛生學院: 公共衛生碩士學位學程指導教授: 張玨鄭伊倫Cheng, Yi-LunYi-LunCheng2017-03-022018-06-292017-03-022018-06-292015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/271651目的:本研究以2013年發生的新興傳染病「H7N9流感」為例,目的在了解新興傳染病發生時,新聞報導與民眾關注議題之樣態與一致程度。 方法:本研究採用內容分析法,量化分析2013年4月1日至2014年4月31日中國時報、自由時報、聯合報、蘋果日報之H7N9流感報導1,353 則,以及同時期民眾進線疾病管制署「疫情通報及關懷專線1922」諮詢電話2,987通,並比較新聞報導議題與民眾關注議題間的一致程度。 結果:本研究發現:(1)新聞報導則數與民眾諮詢通數呈顯著正相關;(2)就議題類型而言,新聞報導與民眾諮詢議題之類型呈顯著正相關,兩者所關注的議題依序為:「防疫措施」、「疫情描述」、「疾病描述」。(3)各別議題來看,新聞報導與民眾關注議題間仍具差異性。 結論:風險溝通應以大眾關心之議題為優先,需傾聽及了解大眾所關注的資訊與需求,並透過良好的媒體溝通及各種多元管道傳遞正確訊息與教育民眾。Objective: This study aims to understand the pattern and the consistence between news reports and topics that the public concern when the emerging infectious disease outbreaks. This study is based on the case of H7N9 influenza happened in 2013.                           Method: In this study, the method of content analysis was used to conduct quantitative analysis. 1,353 news reports about H7N9 from China Times, Liberty Times, United Daily News, and 2,987 consultation phone calls to ""1922, Communicable Disease Reporting and Consultation Hotline"" of Taiwan CDC during the period of April 1st 2013 to April 31st 2014 were used as the source data. The data was analyzed to find out the difference or consistence between news topics and the topics that the publics concerned. Results: The findings of this study are as following. (1) There is a positive correlation between the number of the news reports and the consultation calls. (2) The positive correlations were also found between the types of the topics of the news reports and the topics of consultation phone calls. The topics ranked in order are “prevention and control"", "" epidemiology of the outbreak”, and “the information of the virus"". (3) When the numbers of news reports and the consultation phone calls of different topics were examined separately, differences in correlations were found. Conclusion: The risk communication should consider what topics are concerned and what information are needed by the public. Then, the communication should be well executed though media and multiple channels to disseminate the correct information and to educate people.2468687 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2017/3/12論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)媒體報導民眾諮詢議題內容H7N9流感news reportconsultation phone calltopicsH7N9[SDGs]SDG3新聞報導與民眾關注議題之差異研究-以H7N9流感為例A Study on Newspaper Report and the Concerned Issues of People in Taiwan—the case of H7N9 Influenzathesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/271651/1/ntu-104-R00847032-1.pdf