臺灣大學: 地理環境資源學研究所林俊全張祖達Chang, Tsu-TaTsu-TaChang2013-03-212018-06-282013-03-212018-06-282012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/247953本研究使用Leica ScanStation 2 地面三維雷射掃描儀對苗栗火炎山、台中市清水區及台中市龍井區共7個礫石邊坡進行不同時間之監測。目的在於應用地面三維雷射掃描儀應用於監測礫石邊坡上,並檢核其監測極限。從地形變化中判釋出於邊坡上發生之侵蝕事件,以及分析侵蝕事件於邊坡上分布的特徵,進而分析侵蝕事件空間分布特徵與影響礫石邊坡主要侵蝕作用力的地表逕流的坡度及地勢起伏兩項地形因子之關聯性。 結果顯示,本研究所能監測到最小侵蝕事件面積及體積,均小於在礫石層中佔有大部分比例的10至30公分之礫石,所可能產生的單一落石事件規模,因此地面三維雷射掃描儀能夠有效監測礫石邊坡上地形變遷。 侵蝕事件分布與邊坡坡度分析後發現,侵蝕事件並沒有集中發生於邊坡坡度相對較高的區域中,反而因為受到地表逕流在坡度自陡變緩的地形轉折處有較強的沖蝕力,且位於下邊坡之緩坡位置逕流水深較深以及降雨於緩坡處衝擊力較強此三個潛在可能因素,導致發生侵蝕事件之邊坡坡度趨勢與整體邊坡坡度趨勢雷同甚至較緩45°至75°的邊坡上。侵蝕事件的空間分布有許多處呈現線性分布密集範圍,在這些範圍附近多有略為下凹的紋溝地形存在。地表逕流受到紋溝分布的影響而集中逕流,加強逕流對於紋溝附近的侵蝕能力,導致侵蝕事件的發生,並呈現順邊坡上下線性分布之特徵。 本研究選擇觀測影響地表逕流強度之地形因子來與侵蝕事件的空間分布進行比較分析,發現侵蝕事件密集發生的邊坡位置以及事件的空間分布特徵,特別是順邊坡的上下線性分布,皆有相當多的符合之處,顯示地表逕流的確為造成礫石邊坡沖蝕的主要作用力之一。雖然影響地表逕流侵蝕力的原因相當多,但因地表逕流為礫石邊坡主要之沖蝕作用,應可透過侵蝕事件的空間分布作為後續研究礫石邊坡地表逕流行為之重要資訊。In this study, we monitored 7 gravel slopes in 3 different research areas by terrestrial laser scanner (TLS). The purposes of this study are to assessment the feasibility of monitoring the mass movement on gravel slope by using terrestrial laser scan technique, and to detection of mass movement events by compare two different time measurement data of the hillslopes, then analysis the spatial pattern of the events on the hillslopes. And compare the spatial pattern of the events with gradient and topography, which are the two of the most important factor to the erosivity of overland flow. Some mass movement events not occur on the hillslope with relative highly gradient, instead on the gentler gradient area, due to three possible resent. First, overland flow generate more impact as it flow through the boundary of the steep slope at upslope and the gentle slope at downslope. Second, the erosion force of overland flow is increase with the water depth increasing. Therefore, causing more mass movement events on gentle gradient hillslopes, because of the depth of overland flow on gentle gradient hillslopes is thicker than on steep slope. And third, the impact of rain splash on gentle gradient hillslopes is greater than on steep slopes. The vertical linear patterns of mass movement events are appear on the all monitor slope in this study. The linear patterns are almost matching the rill on the hillslopes. It is indicating that the convergence topography gathers the overland flow on the hillslopes, and highly erosion force causing more mass movement events occur around the rill. There is highly relationship between the spatial distribution of the erosivity of overland flow and the spatial pattern of the mass movement events on gravel hillslopes. Therefore, we can regard the spatial pattern of the events as an important information for the research of the overland flow on gravel slope in the future.20166751 bytesapplication/pdfen-US礫石邊坡地面三維雷射掃描儀落石岩屑滑落地表逕流Gravel SlopesTLSRock FallDebris FallOverland Flow礫石邊坡地形變遷特性之研究-以地面三維雷射掃描儀為例Morphological Change of Gravel Slope.-An Application of a Terrestrial Laser Scanner.thesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/247953/1/ntu-101-R98228011-1.pdf