姜蘭虹2006-08-232018-06-282006-08-232018-06-282005http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/29634近幾年來(1998-2005)有關移居澳洲台灣移民的研究,其研究成果多數集 中在當前移民的背景、澳洲移民政策、移民的就業機會與社會適應、居住地選擇 與流動、太空人家庭中的「單棲媽媽」等議題的了解,對於年輕第一代移民的適 應與回流的議題尚未看到相關研究。 本研究計畫一共為期兩年,主持人、共同主持人及其研究助理,在雪梨、布 里斯本及柏斯一共訪問99 位年輕移民,同時進行深入訪談及焦點團體訪談,以 獲得對台灣年輕移民的深入了解。另外亦在台北市訪問22 位從澳洲回流的台灣 年輕移民。至目前為止本研究計畫之相關著作(包括作者及其研究生)計有一篇 已發表,一篇投稿中,學生畢業論文則完成一篇,另一篇正在進行中。 研究成果顯示,在年輕移民的適應與回流方面,主要討論的是在台灣出生, 之後隨父母移民澳洲的小孩,在當地的生活適應及長大後的就業與回流情形。年 輕移民選擇回流台灣主要原因是為了尋求更好的工作機會和發展,並受到家庭團 聚、找對象及對台灣的情感等多重因素的影響;選擇不回流的主因則為已經習慣 澳洲。年輕移民在澳洲必須面臨英語能力不足、課業壓力、家庭型態和人際關係 改變等適應問題,並因此影響到他們的身分認同。年輕移民的文化認同則是融合 台、澳文化元素的雙重文化認同。 年輕移民回流台灣後,同樣會有語文程度的不足、就業創業的壓力、與家人 同住的壓力和缺少人脈等問題。在對自己身分的認同上,會受到當初移出時的年 齡、家庭教育、同儕群體、移民初期的經驗,以及與台灣連繫的緊密程度等因素 影響。而其文化認同則是融合台、澳兩種文化元素的混合式文化認同。但兩種文 化的比重則受到移民時的年齡、家庭教育的影響、同儕群體、居澳時間的長短而 有不同。對於未來的生涯規劃上,年輕回流移民的重心會放在事業的規劃上,然 而工作地點的選擇方面,則較為分歧,有的人表示回流後發現自己還是比較喜歡 澳洲的生活,決定回澳洲定居;有的人滿足於目前工作的成就感,選擇繼續留在 台灣就業;有的人表示將以台灣為基地,延伸到澳洲或其他地區;也有人表示, 只要有好的發展就願意去嘗試,而不限定發展的區域。 國際移民是一種跨國行為(transnational practice),年輕移民的遷移及適應可 以從本研究中獲得初步的了解。過去人口地理學中所採用的理論,如:推拉理論 或強調經濟面向的遷移理論,常採用巨觀、大尺度的研究視角,對於所影響到的 家庭與個人層面少有討論。希望藉此研究對跨國主義的文獻有所補充,並加深對 澳洲移民的了解。Studies on Taiwanese immigrants to Australia in the last seven years (1998-2005) have included aspects of social and economic incorporation such as location decisions, employment, residential mobility and housing preferences. While the age-sex structure of Taiwanese immigrants is in favor of young males and middle-aged women, relatively little research have included the younger generations, nor mothers who take major responsibilities in taking care of the immigrant children, while husbands may have gone back to Taiwan or other countries for businesses. In recent years, an increasing number of these young Taiwanese migrants between the ages of 20 and 34 have been returning from Australia. The research reviewed current literature on transnationalism. It shows that the transnational practices of the children of immigrants becomes less significant over time, as their connections to their homelands may be weaker compared to their parents. This research discusses the motivations of the young returning migrants who emigrated at young ages with their parents, but who have returned as grown-ups as well as their levels of adaptation and their self-identities as they move between the two societies. In addition to a survey of 99 young migrants in the past two years in Sydney (32), Brisbane (30), and Perth (15), in-depth interviews and focused group interviews were also carried out. Moreover, 22 in-depth interviews were carried out with young return immigrants in Taipei. A comparison is made between these two groups in terms of 1) the decisions for staying in Australia, or returning to Taiwan. 2) types of problems faced by the 1.5 generations in adapting to the job market in Australia and Taiwan; and 3) their self-identities in Australia and Taiwan. The in-depth interview of young return immigrants shows that while joining the job market for the first time and establishing their careers in Australia and Taiwan, their adaptation and their self-identities between the two societies are complex in substance. Before their return, most of them evaluated both the advantages and disadvantages of the job markets in Taiwan and Australia. However, the chance of reunions with the families in Taiwan, the search for potential spouses and their affection towards Taiwan are also important factors affecting their decisions. The young migrants’ different experiences in the two cultures/societies of Taiwan and Australia indicate that they have had to adapt to various aspects of their environments. The circulatory migration and mobility influence their self identity. Frequently, due to their constant need to adapt to both Taiwanese and Australian environments, they have developed a dual identity that encompasses Taiwanese and Australian cultures through which they strive to make the best use of their backgrounds in the global community.application/pdf58331 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學地理環境資源學系暨研究所跨國主義一點五代回流台灣年輕移民就業適應雙重身份認同澳洲Transnationalism1.5 generationreturn young Taiwanese migrantsemploymentadaptationdual identityAustralia行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫成果報告:澳洲台灣移民第二代的就業適應與回流之研究(II)reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/29634/1/932415H002018SSS.pdf