2014-01-022024-05-14https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/657348摘要:近年來,食品安全議題廣受民眾關注,食品安全乃攸關國人健康之重要議題,而風險評估旨在提供現代化食品安全管理之科學實證基礎,可健全食品安全管理及法規之發展。食品安全風險評估是政府食品安全管理的重要基礎,以維護人體健康及促進國際貿易。由於國內目前尚無風險評估專責機構,且缺乏充分參與國際組織的經驗,故本計畫之目的在於引進國際組織或先進國家具有成效之培訓計畫,並逐年建立穩定培訓機制,以提升本國食品風險評估科技能量及國際接軌能力。本中心於101至102年期間,已舉辦多場食品安全風險評估原則及方法之研習訓練,藉以培養相關領域之專門人才,同時強化食品安全管理階層之風險評估實務能力。故本計畫擬持續引進國際組織或先進國家具有成效之培訓計畫,邀請歐、美、紐、澳等國外專家交流訪問,並針對業務需求人員辦理化學性及生物性食品風險因子之定性及定量評估教育訓練,引入最新科技方法及技術,藉以強化實證數據應用於管理的目標,同時廣徵產、官、學、研等各界專家之卓見,共同建構適合我國環境的食品安全風險分析訓練體系。<br> Abstract: In recent years, food safety issues have attracted increasing attention in Taiwan. As food safety is a priority for public health, food safety control systems are increasingly focusing on farm-to-table approach to reduce foodborne hazards. Risk assessment for food safety is a holistic approach to the control of food-related risks and involves consideration of every step in the chain, from raw material to food consumption. Accordingly, it is important for our government to communicate with that in an advanced country. Since our center have successfully held several workshops for the principles of food safety risk assessment during 2012 to 2013, therefore, the objective of this project is continuing to cooperate with more and more outstanding foreign institutes for conducting a training program of risk assessment for food safety. In this project, we will invite foreign experts to hold training courses for qualification /quantification of microbial risk assessment and chemical risk assessment for food safety.食品安全風險評估人才培訓2014年食品安全風險評估科技人才培訓計畫