管理學院: 臺大-復旦EMBA境外專班指導教授: 李吉仁王偉成Wang, Wei-ChengWei-ChengWang2017-03-062018-06-292017-03-062018-06-292015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/277683利用太陽光發電具有取之不竭,用之不盡及較不受地理環境限制的優點,對於天然資源缺乏的國家,太陽光電再生能源產業發展,不但可以達到節能減碳的效益,更提高本國能源自主性。 但是太陽能帷幕牆因太陽能光電板電池模組之成本高、發電功能及滿足建築物功能等限制,而面臨普及化之發展瓶頸。各國政府及產學界除持續在太陽能光電板電池模組科技研發及相關服務模式進行創新與整合外,由於太陽能帷幕牆價值網絡相當複雜,其商業模式的創新也將決定太陽能帷幕牆能否加速發展的關鍵因素。本研究認為商業模式的創新有必要從產業現況及發展趨勢的觀點切入,進一步審視限制太陽能帷幕牆的因素,據以辨識現在帷幕牆市場與區隔中適合太陽能帷幕牆先行導入的利基市場,並分析滿足利基市場內目標顧客價值主張之主要限制因素,以規劃具發展可行性的整合服務商營運模式。 本研究採用破壞式創新理論及商業模式設計流程,以顧客待完成的工作概念進行市場區隔分析,並選定商業建築或辦公大樓為太陽能帷幕牆先行切入之利基市場,並提出具價值創新之商業模式;另外,為避免忽略傳統帷幕牆市場實際運作情勢可能產生的問題,因此本研究運用價值網絡及企業生態系統等理論,深入分析限制利基市目標顧客採用太陽能帷幕牆的因素,及整合服務商所需建構之競爭資源,以確認本研究所提出之商業模式及關鍵資源發展策略等論述之合理性及可行性。 經此分析與推導,本研提出成立「電能供應管理整合服務商」之中介者概念,以提供商業建築或辦公大樓完整性、簡單性、便利性,及較低總持有成本的全生命週期電能供應管理整合服務方案,依用電量為計價單位(Pay-By-kWh)之創新供電管理整合服務商業模式,並提出滿足樞紐企業核心策略原則之智慧型儲供電管理系統設計之建議。The use of solar power is inexhaustible and more from the advantage of geographical constrains. For the country which lacks natual resources, photovoltaic industry is not only provides benefits of energy saving and carbon reducing, but also improves the country’s energy autonomy. However, due to unaffordable photovoltaic cost, limited power generation function and satisfy of building function. In addition to continuous efforts from government industries and academies for solar module in the area of technology, performance improvement and services innovation, it is believed that, innovative busiess model for solar façade plays an essential role to assure successful development. This thesis study aims at developing a feasible and innovative business model for an integrated service provider in the solar façade industry by reiterating current market situation as well as its possible future development by an indepth investigation on potential constraints against the industry development. Applying insights from disruptive innovation and business model design introduced by Clayton Christensen and Mark Johnson respectively, we therefore indentify that commercial or office building is the most suitable market segment to adopt solar façade. Furthmore a businsess model with value creation to target customer is developed. This study also applies concepts both of Value Network and Business Ecosystem for further assement over possible constrains that might defer the adoption for solar façade purchase and proposes an integrated service provider to develop required resources to cope with competition. By doing so. business model and key resource development strategy proposed by this study can prove to be more reasonable and feasible. Finally, this study proposes an innovative business model that includes introduction of concept of “Power Supply and Management Integrated” as an intermediary and a total solution to provide commercial or office building operators with stable and reliable life through integrated power supply and management services in the way of integrity, simple, convenient and lower total cost of ownership. The proposed business model could be profitable of power usage (Pay-By-kWh) as main revenue stream. In addition, this study also recommends the integrated service provider develop a Intelligently Power Supply Management System in order to successfully execute a keystone strategy for competition.論文使用權限: 不同意授權太陽能帷幕牆破壞式創新商業模式企業生態系統Solar Fa?adeDisruptive InnovationBusiness ModelBusiness Ecosystem[SDGs]SDG7太陽能帷幕牆之商業模式與發展策略之探索研究An Exploratory Study on the Business Model and Strategy of Solar Facadethesis