國立台灣大學日本語文學系黃鈺涵Huang, Y.H.Y.H.Huang2017-09-112018-05-292017-09-112018-05-292011-061609-8978http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/282769長期以來,台灣高等教育構構之第二外語日文課程,由於並非主要專業科目,因此於設計課程時大多未考量其授課內容之系統性,且授課進度因學校不同而有相當大之差異。此外,第二外語教學環境亦不受重視,未考量教學效果,一班之修課人數超過百人之狀況並不罕見。為了改善台灣之日語教育環境,必須確實掌握各教育機構之實際情況,提出具體之改善方案。本研究將針對目前台灣大學所推動之?提升教學品質計畫?日語教育改善計畫?進行考察,同時透過與其他大學日語教育課程大綱之比較,闡明台灣高等教育機構日語教育之現狀,進而深入探討其問題點。The JSL (Japanese as a second language) curriculum of higher education institutes in Taiwan has not been well-developed because JSL is not widely regarded as a specialized subject. Therefore its syllabus and study plans vary greatly with each university’s policy. In addition, most institutes fail to pay enough attentions to the learning environment of JSL. For example, it is not rare to discover that student amount of one individual course has surpassed 100 people. In order to improve and create ideal JSL environment in Taiwan, it’s very necessary to analyze the present conditions in each education institute and propose constructive suggestions. This research will introduce and examine the result of the “Japanese Education Improvement Program” which has been conducted recently in National Taiwan University, and also conduct a comparative study concerning on the curriculum and composition of JSL classes with other Taiwanese universities. Through this investigation, this project aims to clarify the JSL reality in Taiwan’s higher education institutes and seek possible solutions.台灣高等教育日語教育第二外國語(Taiwanhigher educationJapanese educationsecond language)台灣高等教育機構之日語教育─以台灣大學之第二外國語為例─The Japanese Education of Higher Education Institutes in Taiwan?the case study of JSL Education in National Taiwan Universityjournal article10.6183/ntujp.2011.21.161