工學院: 機械工程學研究所指導教授: 鄭榮和丁必陞Bi-Sheng2017-03-132018-06-282017-03-132018-06-282015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/278323本論文旨在建立完整四旋翼飛行流場模型並觀察流場升力變化,此飛行流 場模型以四旋翼盤旋飛行為主要基本架構,再來加入標準外流場來模擬盤旋飛 行時的流場變化。首先根據文獻回顧,探討四旋翼的研究方向不外乎圍繞在控 制與效率上,並沒有針對其飛行流場變化進行研究。因此,為了便於觀察四旋 翼轉子旋轉時的流場升力變化,本研究以市售DJI F450 四旋翼來當作研究對 象,並將各轉子槳葉擺放相同的位置,以流場分析軟體Autodesk Simulation CFD 模擬整體流場並利用暫態分析,調整不同大小的風速與風向來分析四旋翼 轉子間的影響。結果顯示在盤旋飛行時,以恆定大小的風速從水平方向與從-30 度(-30 度為由上往下吹的夾角)方向吹拂,所造成的升力不均現象最為顯著。主 要造成水平風向升力不均的原因在於受渦流影響,而-30 度風向受速度加成影響 所致。This paper aims to establish a complete quadcopter flying flow model and observe the flow field of lift variation, the flight flow model uses quadcopter hovering flight as the basic infrastructure, added with the standard external flow field to simulate the flow field when hovering. First, according to the literature review, the research focus on control and efficiency, and has not been studied for its flight flow field. Therefore, in order to observe easily the changes in the lift of quadcopter rotor rotation, the research use commercial product DJI F450 as the main object and each rotor blade set the same location in the analysis software-Autodesk Simulation CFD. This simulation software uses transient analysis to analyze the whole flow field and adjust the wind speed and direction, in order to analyze the impact of the quadcopter. The results of this study show when hovering flight, the horizontal wind and -30 degrees wind direction (the -30 degrees means the angle between the wind blowing from top to bottom) causes the lift differential (Dissymmetry of lift) most significant.7922894 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2020/8/17論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋本人)四旋翼CFD旋轉流場升力不均quadcopterrotating machine simulationdissymmetry of lift四旋翼流場分析Quadcopter Flow Field Researchthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/278323/1/ntu-104-R02522502-1.pdf