社會科學院: 國家發展研究所指導教授: 周桂田曾玟學Zeng, wen-Hsuehwen-HsuehZeng2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/274649臺灣由於地狹人稠、山高水急,即便降雨量高仍有用水短缺的問題,一旦出現缺水或產業有新需求時,政府便主要以建設水庫此類大型地面水設施做為解決方式。最著名的例子為台塑六輕,六輕1997年完工,集集攔河堰2001年開始供水,十餘年下來以對濁水溪及中部地區造成許多傷害,六輕頻傳工安事件、空氣污染、PM2.5指數過高、附近居民罹患癌症比例顯著上升等等;集集堰掏空濁水溪的水源後,使得地層下陷加劇、下游河床裸露造成乾旱與揚塵,尤有甚者,六輕長期於缺水時調用農用水。 另一邊,國光石化計畫於2009年確定落腳大城,與中科四期共同使用大度攔河堰水源,令人擔憂的是,六輕與集集堰發生過的,國光石化和大度堰幾乎全部都可能再上演一次。2000年起,政府相繼提出永續性的基本策略與行動指導方針。這些宣言中強調臺灣過度重視經濟,卻使得生態環境遭到嚴重的污染和破壞,而影響世代間的永續發展,因此強調未來將依據世代公平、社會正義、平衡環境承載、成本內化與國際參與等原則來擬定永續發展策略,以實際行動落實永續發展。 本研究藉由集集堰與大度堰的比較發現水資源與產業政策未如永續性宣言朝著永續方向發展,依然以開發帶領經濟發展犧牲環境,用水思維亦未擺脫大型地面水設施以及國家替財團尋覓資源。在石化業的高耗能高耗水特性與劇烈氣候變遷所導致的各種環境風險交織下,其所造成的傷害是多重且複合的,水資源政策及產業政策應轉向永續典範並納入公民審議的精神以減少衝突。Even though the high annual rainfall in Taiwan, it is still persecuted by the shortage of water resource. Taiwan is small in area but densely populated, and the mountains is too high to keep most water resource, so the government preferred to build large surface water infrastructures such as reservoirs to solve the perennial problem of water resources shortage. And if the water demand increases or the lack of water becomes serious, the government is also used to build reservoirs to keep more water. Formosa Plastics Corp’s (FPC) sixth naphtha cracker complex completed started in 1997, Ji-Ji Weir started providing water in 2001. In the past decades, Zhuo-shui River and the area of middle Taiwan has been harm very intensely. Something weird usually happened around the area, for example the petrochemical industrial accident, critical air pollution、high levels of PM2.5, the cancer rate of the around residents rose distinctly. After the weir emptied the water sources of Zhuo-shui River, it made the problem of land subsidence become severer, and the naked river bed downstream caused drought and Aeolian Dust. Furthermore, sixth naphtha cracker transferred agricultural water when water deficit over a long period of time. In 2009, Kuo-Kuang petrochemical plant arrived Ta-Cheng Town, it share the water source of Da-Du Weir with Central Taiwan Industrial Science Park’s (CTSP) fourth-phase. It means the tragedy will replay which Ji-Ji Weir just has happened not long ago. Since 2000, the governments have made principal sustainability strategies and action guides in succession. Most of this announcements emphasized that Taiwan has paid too much attention to expand economic, it brought the damage of environment and sustainable development of generation to generation. And this announcement also said that the related policies will be made according by the principles like justice between generation, social justice, carrying capacity of environment, internalizing the costs and international participation, establishing sustainable development strategies, practicing real action in the future. This research contrasts Ji-Ji Weir with Da-Du Weir and then found that water resources and industrial polices did not abide by the sustainability announcement, they still are made for developing economic but sacrificing environment. The thought of water utilization did not get rid of large surface water infrastructures and states allocate resources for financial group. The damages basis on high energy and high water consuming petrochemical industry combine the environmental risks that made by extreme climate change were multidimensional. Water resource policy and industrial policy should amend the direct to sustainable paradigm, and also incorporate the spirit of citizen deliberation to reduce the conflicts.6039786 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2017/3/13論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋本人)水資源政策氣候變遷永續發展風險社會石化工業台塑六輕國光石化water resource policyclimate changesustainable developmentrisk societypetrochemical industryFormosa Plastics Corp’s sixth naphtha cracker complexKuo-Kuang petrochemical[SDGs]SDG3[SDGs]SDG11[SDGs]SDG13[SDGs]SDG15氣候變遷下臺灣水資源開發與產業用水之衝突The conflict with Taiwan's water resource development and industry water of climate changethesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/274649/1/ntu-104-R00341042-1.pdf