社會科學院: 經濟學研究所指導教授: 林惠玲翁珮瑜Weng, Pei-YuPei-YuWeng2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/275289  本研究旨在探討台灣製造業與服務業廠商之技術創新投入及其績效。使用SUR model與Profit model作為研究方法,採用兩階段模型進行實證研究。   本研究運用行政院國家科學委員會「台灣地區第三次產業創新活動調查研究」並串聯民國95年與100年之普查資料,第一階段探討廠商創新活動花費之決定因素,再進一步分析利用探討五種技術創新花費類型:「公司內的研發活動」、「委託其他公司或機構研發」、「取得機器、設備與軟體的技術」、「取得外部知識」、「其他技術商品化的支出費用」對於廠商成功推出市場上或公司內部之技術創新之影響程度。最後比較製造業與服務業廠商創新績效差異。   相較於其他文獻僅探討廠商是否進行創新活動,本研究最主要貢獻為運用廠商實際投入創新活動之金額進行分析。實證結果發現:(1)企業規模為產業進行創新活動重要決定因素。(2)廠齡高之企業有較多舊思維及舊技術,進行創新活動並不容易。(3)政府補助對於廠商進行創新活動有正向影響。(4)在相同的條件下,製造業之創新花費大於服務業。(5)服務業創新投入之單位效益優於製造業。(6)台灣之廠商進行創新時,多需向外購買專利與授權,代表企業於過往並無成功累積創新實力。   台灣之製造業與服務業成功進行之技術創新比例皆不高,且創新所需之技術多為仰賴其他單位之研究成果,因此對於進行技術創新尚有許多努力的空間。 因此台灣廠商迫切之問題為須累積產業實力,利用本身之人員、設備及技術進行創新,才是維持企業競爭力的長久之道。Along with the numerous innovation coming, an adequate assessment of a firm’s innovation activities is imperative. The purpose of this paper is to analyze firms’ innovation activity in Taiwan and make a comparison between manufacture and service industries. This study is based on the third Taiwan Technological Innovation Survey. The analysis applies a two-stage model for the empirical research, including SUR model and probit model. In this study, the first stage is to find out the determinants of firm’s innovative spending; the further stage discusses the performance of five innovative spending types: R & D activities within the company, commissioned research and development activities of other companies or institutions, making equipment and technology, obtaining external knowledge, and marketing innovation activities. Finally, the study compares the differences between manufacture and service firms. The main contribution of the paper is to assess firms’ innovation performance on the basis of the amounts of innovative spending. The empirical results show that: (1) Enterprise scale is an important determinant of innovative activity. (2)Older enterprises have more difficulty of innovation. (3) Government subsidies promote firms’ innovation activities. (4) Under the same condition, the manufactures’ spending is more than the services’. (5) The services’ innovation performance is better than the manufactures’. (6) Taiwan’s firms did not successfully accumulate their innovative power. According the paper, accumulating industrial strength is the solution for keeping the competitiveness of Taiwan’s enterprises.2099485 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2018/7/4論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋本人)台灣地區第三次產業創新活動調查研究技術創新創新績效technology innovationinnovation performance measurementthe Third Taiwan Technological Innovation Survey[SDGs]SDG9廠商創新活動及其績效-臺灣製造業與服務業的比較Firms’ Innovation Activity and Performance - Comparison between Manufacture and Service Industries in Taiwanthesis10.6342/NTU201600561http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/275289/1/ntu-105-R03323033-1.pdf