2019-01-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/699718摘要:本計畫的目標是開發可以經由3D列印的方式來建構之導電支架,利用導電高分子作為導電基材製備成奈米複合材料之水凝膠,並混合奈米碳材,例如奈米碳管以及石墨烯等,藉此增加導電度以及提升機械強度。此導電之水凝膠將藉由光聚合的方式,可以直接利用3D列印結合紫外光的照射,形成3D的支架。在計畫執行的第二年,首先我們著重在結合3D列印以及紫外光照射,發展3D可列印之導電水凝膠。皆由3D構圖,我們可輕易製備各種形狀之導電水凝膠。我們會評估此導電水凝膠之電化學的性質及導電性,並且利用原子力顯微鏡來觀測此水凝膠複合材料之微結構,探索水凝膠之組成與其性質間的關聯。接著,我們將探索此導電水凝膠的生物相容性,並且觀測藉由電刺激加速細胞生長之可行性,為第三年製作3D支架做準備。<br> Abstract: In this project, we aim to develop a 3D printable conducting hydrogels based on conducting polymer-based nanocomposites. Besides conducting polymers, these nanocomposites will be composed of some carbon nanomaterials, such as carbon nanotubes and graphene, to promote the conductivity and mechanical properties. The hydrogels will be fabricated by using photo-curing. That allows us to make a 3D scaffold simply by integrating 3D printer with a UV light source. In the second year of this project, the focus is the integration of a 3D printer with a UV light to develop the system for making conducting hydrogels. The shape of hydrogels can be easily designed through a CAD software. We will evaluate the electrochemical properties and conductivities of the hydrogels. We will also use atomic force microscope to observe the microstructure of the hydrogels. That allows us to correlate their properties and structures. Then, we will test the biocompatibility of this conducting hydrogels. We will further evaluate the feasibility to promote the cell growth on these hydrogels through electrical stimuli.導電水凝膠3D列印支架奈米複合材料功能性導電高分子conducting hydrogels3D printingscaffoldnanocompositefunctionalized conducting polymers高等教育深耕計畫-學術生涯發展計畫深耕型計畫 【3D 列印導電高分子奈米複合材料以製作導電支架】