黃宗慧2006-08-232018-05-292006-08-232018-05-292002-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/29368布盧姆因為體察到物質肉身的面向乃是生命最基礎普遍的事實,因此有別於 喬伊斯筆下其他重精神而貶肉體的小說人物— 如〈一樁慘案〉中的杜菲先生、〈死 者〉中的康洛伊乃至《青年藝術家的畫像》及《尤利西斯》中的斯蒂芬— 他對 於肉身的侷限開展出了一番不同的省思;但這樣一個似乎不以涉足感官樂園為 忤、不棄斥吃喝拉撒等面向的角色,卻對女性有不少偏頗的看法;如果按克莉 斯提娃所言,棄斥的行為也包括將陰性特質視為欲排除的異己,那麼布盧姆對 女性的定見顯然使他不完全符合前述「對物質肉身的面向不急於棄斥」的立論。 本計畫探討了布盧姆對性的退卻以及與妻子間不得滿足的慾望如何反應在他的 行為模式之中,又如何影響了他對女性的看法,且提出布盧姆在「棄斥」女性 之際,其實對女性的母親形象展現了相當不同的態度。 本計畫指出,女性作為伴侶、愛人的角色雖使布盧姆感到挫折且難以掌握, 也因此使他對女性產生一些偏差的觀點,但是女性作為母親的角色,卻同時是 布盧姆認同與愛慾的對象。布盧姆一方面認同女性的母親角色,因此展現出「哺 育的慾望」,另一方面也渴望被母親愛慾,因此展現出「被哺育的慾望」。本計 畫以文本中布盧姆「新女男人」(new womanly man)的形象為研究切入點,從布 盧姆餵海鷗、為莫莉準備早餐、不時鼓勵斯蒂芬多吃點東西等文本線索分析布 盧姆的哺育慾望,並結合精神分析中「子宮欽羨」(womb envy)的觀念,說明布 盧姆的哺育慾望如何涉及了他想補償兒子魯迪之死與莫莉的不忠的心態。而從 布盧姆追想著莫莉將嚼在口中的糕餅餵他的情景出發,本計畫亦將分析布盧姆 被哺育的慾望結構為何:以充滿情慾的餵食來置換生殖的性,就普遍意義而言 說明了人類文明中食物與性的糾纏關聯,就文本意義而言則彰顯了布盧姆對性 的退卻,而渴望被哺育其實也和布盧姆與兒子認同的慾望有關:十七章中終於 返家的布盧姆,睡姿猶如踡縮在母親子宮中的嬰兒,彷彿成為莫莉的小孩,既 補償自己與莫莉的失子之痛,也預示了一切從頭開始的希望。It has been a controversy as to whether Leopold Bloom, for all his gentleness and generosity, tends to generalize women in a biased way. Instead of charging Bloom for the politically incorrect gender assumptions, this project points out that Bloom does not see all women through a distortional speculum. Woman’s role as a mother, for one thing, is far from Bloom’s target of disparagement. What significance does Bloom envisage in the maternal figure that prompts him to exempt the mother from the category of the threatening other? Seeking to penetrate into Bloom’s complicated relation with the maternal figure, I first sketch how Bloom shows his sympathy towards women whenever they are thought of as a caretaker or a nurturer. I proceed to argue that his eagerness to identify with the mother can hardly escape our attention if we track Bloom’s desire to feed. Reading Bloom’s desire to feed from a psychoanalytic perspective, I demonstrate how this desire is entangled with womb envy and how Bloom’s fantasy of becoming a mother can help him handle the trauma of losing his son. Further, I contend that Bloom’s identification with the mother is vindicated by his desire to be fed as well. The desire reveals Bloom’s underlying wish to be impregnated by the mother and thereby become a mother himself. I also suggest that the desire to be fed is related to Bloom’s wish to be desired by the mother. The fantasy of being desired by the mother, to a certain extent, consolidates his identification with the lost son and thus makes possible the reunion with his wife Molly. Analyzing Bloom’s entangled relation with the maternal figure, this project is intended to counter the psychoanalytic studies which, due to their excessive stress on the role of the father, lose sight of the importance the mother plays in subject formation.application/pdf159575 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學外國語文學系暨研究所喬伊斯慾望認同哺育子宮欽羨James Joycedesireidentificationfeedwomb-envy新世紀的喬伊斯:政治、文本、倫理─感官新樂園:從《尤利西斯》看身體政治與慾望經濟(II-I)reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/29368/1/902411H002047B13.pdf