臺灣大學: 醫學工程學研究所楊台鴻; 楊宗霖林麟Lin, LinLinLin2013-03-292018-06-292013-03-292018-06-292011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/254779成功的癌症治療依賴先進的診斷工具。BMVC是一種新的免疫螢光染色技術,藉由不同螢光表現的特性可以用來分辨正常體細胞及癌細胞。正常細胞表現不明顯的BMVC螢光,而在腫瘤細胞中可觀察到明亮的BMVC螢光。在本研究中,我們進一步探討是否BMVC螢光分析可以用來偵測惡性腫瘤前期的細胞。利用MCA致癌藥物可誘導BALB/3T3細胞產生二十種不同階段的癌轉化細胞。以下的表現型可以清楚表明這些不同程度的癌前細胞:喪失細胞之間的接觸抑制作用、增強的轉移能力、細胞過度生長、逃脫程序性細胞死亡機制、非停泊性生長及侵入細胞間基質的能力 。結果顯示這些表現型的差異均和BMVC螢光表現程相關,尤其在非停泊性生長上具有高度相關。我們證明BMVC螢光分析可用來區別正常體細胞與正在癌化的細胞。更重要的是BMVC螢光在細胞癌化的早期即可被偵測。顯示BMVC在早期診斷上的潛力。Advanced diagnostic tools stand today at the heart of successful cancer treatment. BMVC is a new immunofluorescence staining technology that the distinct fluorescence expression properties can be used to distinguish cancer cells from normal cells. Using this technology, normal cells showed negative BMVC staining while the bright fluorescence spots from BMVC in neoplastic cells could be observed. In the present study, we go further steps to evaluate whether BMVC analysis could be used in the detection of pre-malignant neoplasm. Twenty different stages of morphologically transformed BALB/3T3 cells were induced by the carcinogenic agents 3-methylcholanthrene(MCA). These clonal populations were spotlighted on the expression of selected transformation phenotypes, including loss of contact inhibition, enhance migratory ability, hyperproliferative, evasion of programmed cell death, anchorage-independent and invade into extracellular matrices in vitro. The results suggested that the difference of these transformation phenotypes are correlated with the expression of BMVC, particularly in anchorage independence. We have demonstrated that BMVC can be deployed to distinguish normal cells from transforming cells. Most significantly, BMVC can detect cells in their early stages of cancerous transformed cells. The study shows the potential of BMVC in early detection of transformation events.6445183 bytesapplication/pdfen-US癌細胞癌症診斷癌轉化非停泊性生長致癌藥物cancerearly detectionpre-malignantcontact inhibitiontransformation[SDGs]SDG3BMVC在惡性腫瘤預前檢測的潛力The potential of BMVC in early detecting the pre-malignant transform of cancerthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/254779/1/ntu-100-R98548036-1.pdf