工學院: 機械工程學研究所指導教授: 吳文方; 柴駿甫呂宥勳Lyu, Yo-XuenYo-XuenLyu2017-03-132018-06-282017-03-132018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/278307管路系統常用作運輸氣體與液體等介質,一般管子間係透過焊接或是法蘭接頭對鎖的方式安裝連結,將同一方向或不同方向連結而成,形成一管路系統。為了確保其功能性,需避免管線破損或洩漏等失效模式發生,尤其需避免該些失效在兩根管子接頭處發生。 。在研究中選用服務等級較高之電廠管線為案例,評估案例管線段的安全性。 在一發電廠中,管線系統常用來輸送推動渦輪的蒸汽或冷卻機組的水或水蒸汽,其中餘熱移除(Residual Heat Removal, RHR)系統為電廠內非常重要的一個系統,該系統除熱交換器與閥件外,主要係由管線所組成,所以也可視為一管線系統。當電廠遇到緊急狀況時,該系統可提供緊急冷卻用水,確保電廠重要機組不受高溫損毀。而為避免前述破損或洩漏等失效發生,當餘熱移除系統受到地震等外部負載時,必須確保管線、尤其是其接頭有足夠強度以維持系統的正常運作。就此,本論文旨在研究電廠餘熱移除管線系統之洩漏問題,並聚焦於探討該系統法蘭接頭墊片變形對螺栓預力行為之影響;此外,也特別以螺栓所失去的夾持力當作失效指標,探討美國機械工程師學會(American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME)鍋爐與壓力容器委員會所頒佈管線接頭強震洩漏規範力矩的適用與否。 本研究主要分為兩大部分,第一部分是執行簡化電廠餘熱移除系統之耐震與洩漏試驗,探討該系統法蘭接頭之洩漏問題;而後,繼續針對法蘭接頭關鍵元件做試驗,瞭解墊片的受力行為,同時探討動態試驗下螺栓預力衰退的現象。本研究第二部分則是將墊片的受力變形行為引入數值分析模型中,並將分析結果與試驗結果比對,確立墊片變形對螺栓夾持力衰退的影響程度,而後再將其結果導入因應前述管線系統耐震試驗結果所建構的數學分析模型中,探討RHR管線元件試驗及振動台試驗的可信度,並依數學模型分析結果,探討ASME法蘭密封設計規範在案例管線段之擬靜態試驗中的適用性。Piping systems are used to carry gas and liquid medium, the pipes are often connected to each other by welding or flange joints in the same or different directions with fittings and valves, building up the piping systems. To make sure the piping system working properly, we should avoid the failure modes such as damage、leakage and so on happened, especially for those in the connected joints. Piping systems are usually used to transport the steam driving the turbine or the water in the cooling units. The Residual Heat Removal (RHR) piping system is one of the most important systems in a power plant, composed of heat exchangers 、valves and primary the piping systems. When the power plant is under emergency condition, the systems mentioned will supply the emergency cooling water to make sure the core components won’t be damaged due to high temperature. In order to avoid the failure modes such as damage、leakage, and so on happened, we should make sure the pipelines especially for those within the joint are strong enough to function normally under seismic condition. In this thesis, we study the loosening mechanism in the case of RHR-C loop in power plant, and focus on how the plastic deformation on the gasket will lead to loosening of the clamping force of the bolts. By setting the zero clamping force as the index of failure, discuss if the allowable moment of flange joints defined by ASME B&PV Code is applicable for this case. This study is divided into two parts. In the first part, we found that the leakage phenomenon happened in the quasi static test of RHR pipeline. Then, a simplified component test is going to examine all the components in the flange joint. After finding that the gasket is the most critical component by a comparison test, we study the mechanism between the deformation and loading on it. After then, by taking the experimental data into the FEM input and creating the numerical model of those pipeline in experiments. By comparing the FEM results and the experiment data measured, we can make sure that the deformation behavior of the gasket accounts for the loosening in clamping force of the bolts. We build the piping system taking the gasket behavior into account, and setting both static and dynamic analysis. By comparing the results of the analysis and experiment data, it is concluded that the analysis is fitting reasonably well. By the end of the study, we’ll make an analysis to predict if the ASME piping PV code is suitable for this case.14072105 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2021/8/25論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)電廠餘熱移除管線系統耐震法蘭接頭洩漏螺栓夾持力墊片Power plantResidual Heat Removal (RHR) Piping SystemEarthquake Resistant CapacityFlange JointsLeakageClamping force of the boltsGasket電廠管線法蘭接頭之力學分析與實驗驗證Mechanics Analysis and Experimental Verification of Flange Joints in Piping Systems of Power Plantthesis10.6342/NTU201603515http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/278307/1/ntu-105-R02522546-1.pdf