張國鎮Chang, Kuo-Chun臺灣大學:土木工程學研究所翁士晟Wong, Shih-ChengShih-ChengWong2010-06-302018-07-092010-06-302018-07-092009U0001-1607200911055700http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/187736因應台灣多颱風、地震等天災的環境,橋梁監測為求在風雨中量測之可能性,本研究選擇無線傳輸系統(wireless sensor network)與光纖光柵感測器(Fiber Bragg grating)兩套系統同時監測,並配合網際網路以遠端操作或網頁即時監控,人員無需在現場即能有效之監測,當橋梁發生危害能第一時間處理,保障橋梁通行之安全性。硬體部份,整合無線感測網路系統與網路系統匹配之微感測元件,製作感測電路模組,建置之系統包含加速度、傾角、溫度及濕度等結構及環境參數感測功能。經初步試驗驗證所建置之斜張橋橋梁鋼纜量測系統,可測得鋼纜環境振動加速度頻率資訊,推估不同模態下之阻尼比。光纖光柵感測器擁有低耗能低損失不易受電子訊號干擾等優點,以南投縣集鹿大橋監測為例,可同時分別監測全數共六十八根鋼纜,即時完整取得橋梁各部細節之資訊,此兩系統經長時間量測,並觀測相對應之溫度變化,依此結果建立鋼纜之主頻偏移安全範圍,做為橋梁健康狀況之診斷。用上述之技術所建置之結構監測系統,提供了在符合工程經濟性前提下,於橋梁現地工址廣域佈置多點多數量測系統的解決方案。也可針對更多樣化之感測元件,如水位計、沖刷計等進行系統整合,以建置更具功能性、經濟性及擴充性的橋梁結構監測系統,提昇橋梁結構永續發展研究技術。It’s is so many natural disaster like typhoon and earthquake in Taiwan every year. This study chose the wireless sensor network (WSN) and the fiber Bragg grating (FBG) system to measure together for the feasibility of structure monitoring on bridge in heavy rain and wind. Used remote control or internet can monitor the bridge without people in-site and handle the damage immediately. It’s let people more safely for pass through. For the hardware part, integrate system with acceleration, temperature and humidity to measure the environment condition around the bridge. By some experiment to verify the cable monitoring system of cable-stayed bridge, it can receive the acceleration induced by cable vibration and to estimate the damping ratio of different mode shape. The FBG sensor is low loss, less interference and so on, so many advantages. Chose the Chi-Lu cable-stayed bridge in Nantou County as an example, FBG monitoring system can measure whole 68 cables of the bridge at the time, get the detail every part of bridge. To come over a long term monitoring, observing the change of temperature on cable. Use this result to define the bound of the safe range of cable frequency. Based on the result, it can diagnose the situation of the bridge.pplying the technology of structure monitoring system constructed above-mentioned, it provides a solution which is economical to use large number sensors at many place in-situ. Integrating system with varied sensors and constructing robust monitoring system in field. The system improves the bridge technology of sustainable development.口試委員會審定書 I謝 II要 IIIBSTRACT IV錄 V目錄 VII目錄 VIII一章 導論1.1 前言 1.2 研究動機與目的 3.3 研究內容架 4二章 文獻回顧 7.1 橋梁監測 7.2 斜張橋 9.3 光纖布拉格光柵感測器 11.4 無線感測網路與微感測器 13.4.1 無線感測網路於結構上的應用 13.4.2 都市排水示範區水位監測及傳輸系統 15.4.3 無線感測網路於各領域的應用 17三章 監測設備 21.1 感測器簡介 21.2 光纖布拉格光柵感測器 22.2.1 光纖概述 22.2.2 光纖感測器 24.3 無線感測模組 27.3.1 微機電系統 28.3.2 微機電系統感測模組 31四章 遠距監測系統 37.1 光纖光柵感測器監測系統 37.1.1 斜張橋纜索監測 38.1.2 斜張橋監測系統 39.2 無線感測網路系統40.2.1 無線感測網路簡介 40.2.2 無線感測網路 43.2.3 斜張橋纜索監測 45.3 小結 46五章 現地試驗與監測 49.1 現地試驗簡介 49.1.1 橋梁現地動力試驗 49.1.1 索力量測方式 50.2 鋼纜自由振盪試驗 51.3 鋼纜長期監測 52.3.1 長期監測試驗一 53.3.1 長期監測試驗二 54.4 小結 55六章 訊號處理與評估 57.1 鋼纜自由振盪試驗分析 57.2 鋼纜長期監測分析 58.2.1 長期監測試驗一 59.2.2 長期監測試驗二 61.3 橋梁有限元素模型模擬與分析 62.4 小結 63七章 結論與未來展望 65.1 結論 65.2 未來展望 66考文獻 69表 73圖 898524163 bytesapplication/pdfen-US橋梁監測無線感測網路光纖光柵感測器Bridge monitoringWireless sensor networkFiber Bragg Grating創新感測網路於橋梁監測系統之應用研究The study of innovation sensor networks for bridge monitoring applicationthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/187736/1/ntu-98-R96521244-1.pdf