國立台灣大學生命科學系許天銓鐘詩文洪玲雅楊智凱Hsu, Tien-ChuanTien-ChuanHsuChung, Shih-WenShih-WenChungHung, Ling-YaLing-YaHungYang, Chih-KaiChih-KaiYang2006-12-192018-07-062006-12-192018-07-062005http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/2006121215550957Three species of Acanthephippium (Orchidaceae) are recognized from Taiwan: Acanthephippium pictum Fukuyama, A. striatum Lindley and A. sylhetense Lindley. According to previous reports, A. pictum is a synonymy of A. sylhetense, although A. pictum can be distinguished from A. sylhetense by the shape and color of the flowers, and the structures of the lips. The distribution pattern of these two species are also different. A. pictum occurs only on Iriomote island, Japan and Lanyu island, Taiwan. A taxonomic treatment and line drawings of A. pictum in Taiwan are provided. A somatic chromosome counts of 2n = 48 are reported for A. pictum from Lanyu island and for A. striatum and A. sylhetense from Taiwan island.application/pdf485161 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TWAcanthephippium striatumA. pictumA. sylhetenseOrchidaceaeTaxonomyChromosome numberTaiwan台灣產蘭科罈花蘭屬植物之分類訂正The Genus of Acanthephippium Blume (Orchidaceae) in Taiwanotherhttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/2006121215550957/1/11600183865671130707421.pdf