國立臺灣大學電機工程學系暨研究所郭斯彥2006-07-252018-07-062006-07-252018-07-062005-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/8045近年來隨著無線通訊與感測器技術 進步,如何將配備無線界面之感測器散 佈在特定空間形成通訊架構以完成特殊 任務,已成為現在相當熱門的研究議 題。然而在無線感測網路中經常會面臨 一些問題與挑戰,尤其是能源的限制, 由於在無線感測網路當中往往沒有固定 的電力支援,感測器靠著自我搭備的電 池以維持能源提供,一旦感測網路中有 若干感測器電池能源耗盡將使得感測網 路之生命週期下降。 於是,發展可節省能源之通訊架構 為無線感測網路中一項相當重要的關鍵 技術,本研究計劃發展無線網路拓撲控 制技術以有效的達成此目標,並且由我 們之實驗模擬結果亦可以指出網路拓撲 控制可以有效的降低網路能源的消耗率 與提升網路的生命週期。In recently years, as the great progress of wireless communication and sensor technology, to diffuse wireless sensors in certain areas to accomplish specify task has became very popular research issues. Therefore, it will suffer from some problems and challenges in wireless sensor network, especially the limited energy resource. This is because the nodes in sensor network often have no fixed power supply, and they maintain their power by batteries. If several sensors exhaust their energy, it leads to degradation of network life time. Thus, to develop energy-efficient communication infrastructure is a very important key technology of wireless sensor network. This research plan develops network topology-control technology to archive this objective. Our simulation results also show that it can efficiently lower the rate of energy consumption and increase the network life time by network topology control.application/pdf285445 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學電機工程學系暨研究所無線感測網路拓撲控制技術能源消耗網路生命週期wireless sensor networktopology controlenergy consumptionand network lifetime高可靠度和節省能源的無線感測網路通訊基礎架構Dependable and Energy-Efficient Communication Infrastructurereporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/8045/1/932213E002122.pdf