2015-04-012024-05-13https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/654375摘要:社區流行病學調查與官方統計數字顯示,台灣各學制兒童及少年施用毒品的數量呈現逐年遞增,且年齡有向下的趨勢。日前政院毒品防制會報第14次會議主席裁示,針對在學少年涉及施用第三級、第四級毒品個案,採教育先行輔導規劃。此外,針對「兒童及少年福利與權益保障法」第53條通報疑似藥物濫用案件,社政單位應強化獲報之後續處理流程,推動公私部門跨單位的合作模式及流程銜接,並鼓勵相關資源的開發及連結等。 為使上述方案有效推展,本研究將透過執行實務督導,了解方案推動情況,期落實「兒童及少年社區預防性服務方案」。此外,本研究亦將藉由問卷訪與質性訪談等方式,蒐集執行單位,社工與相關專業人員在執行相關輔導工作中結構與過程分析實證資訊。期透過上述的督導經驗累積進行本方案之評估,研擬出適合本土未來「兒童及少年社區預防性服務方案」服務模式提出建議。<br> Abstract: Cumulative community-based epidemiological studies and official reporting system in Taiwan indicated that the prevalence of drug use has been on the rise in underage population, and the average age of first drug use was alarmingly declined. To address this issue, a recent report from the national anti-drug policy released by the Executive Yuan has ruled to implement the routine educational consultation for school-attending schedule III and IV drug-using youngsters. In addition, for suspected young drug users reported according to the article 53, the Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act, the social affair department should strengthen the post-reporting workflow process, promote the public private partnership in service collaboration and connection, and encourage the development of relevant resource and networking. The present research, aimed to effectively implement the aforementioned rule, has two strategies. The first strategy is to monitor the practical progress via at least 25 on-site supervisory visits to the public/private institutes receiving the “community-based children and adolescent preventive service” funding. The other is collect empirical data via questionnaire and qualitative interview from funded participatory institutes, social workers, and experienced experts. Through integrated evidence derived from the on-site supervisory visit notes and empirical data, the present task-oriented research will shed light on the strategies to solve potential problems in delivering anti-drug preventive service in the community and to devise interdepartmental collaboration network to address the need in children and adolescent health and welfare care.兒少毒品社區預防實務督導drug-using youngsterscommunity-based preventive serviceon-site supervisory104年度「兒童及少年社區預防性服務方案督導評估」