管理學院: 臺大-復旦EMBA境外專班指導教授: 李存修張嘉玲Chang, Chia-LingChia-LingChang2017-03-062018-06-292017-03-062018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/277510人類自十八世紀的工業革命以來,開啟了文明與科技嶄新的一頁,而且也縮短了世界的距離,讓國與國之間的交流頻繁的發展,同時也因此創造了經濟與富裕的人類生活。然而;人類在享受富裕生活的同時,也造就了對地球資源的破壞。故人類在意識到全球環境已經面臨到潛在的危機時,若不適時重視此一現象,將可能遭受到環境的反撲,故人類則開始積極回應「人本健康、地球永續」的訴求,隨後各國則開始推展有關生物的多樣性、綠化量、基地保水、日常節能、CO2 減量、廢棄物的減量、室內環境品質、水資源、污水垃圾改善環境保護的規範;並且訂定出「生態、節能、減廢、健康」的目標。 由於國人對於環境保護的觀念也逐漸開放與重視,相對造就環境保護等相關產業的市場也具有可預期的發展潛力,如此投入環保商品的經營模式,可以說是一項利多於弊的抉擇,而且這樣的經營模式也是目前國內建築材料產業市場上,尚未廣泛被使用的一種經營模式。因此,本研究綜合考量國人對於環境保護的觀念已逐漸接受的同時,探討消費者本身對環保高性能建材的經營模式的接受程度及未來的發展性,並且根據分析的結果,將獲得的研究發現,概述如下: 一、 營建市場的景氣不如預期的復甦,須面對此一嚴峻的環境條件,環保高性能建材的經營,應更提早加入思考市場拓展的合宜性。 二、 從行銷策略、市場區隔、品牌定位、商品性能、物流通路、品質服務等經營模式的策略,不僅可以提供讓消費者認識環保高性能建材商品的特性外,亦可透過企業對商品研發的用心,提高消費者對環保高性能建材商品優質觀感。 三、 企業內部組織在進行經營模式的行銷策略時;則應考量商品研發時所帶來高成本的影響及銷售價格偏高的劣勢,進而儘早提出因應措施。 四、 為了降低威脅所帶來的影響,推廣環保高性能建材的企業應著重於商品性能的強化與功能的提升,據以提高消費者與高性能建材商品的黏著度,進而達到營利成長的獲利目標。Industrial Revolution in the eighteenth century did not only influence civilization and technology but also created prosperous economy and human life by shortening the distance of the world. However, wealthy life of human beings caused the destruction of earth. Being aware of the environmental crisis, people have begun to pursue human-based health and sustainable development through promoting the environmental protection activities, such as biodiversity, amount of green, soil water content, daily energy saving, CO2 reduction, waste reduction, quality of indoor environment, water resources, waste water and other garbage; besides, the goals to achieve ecology, energy saving, waste reduction, and health had been set. Owing to the rising awareness of environmental protection, the potential of environmental protection related industry can be expected. It is a great market decision to enter environmental protection or other related industries. In addition, this business model has not yet been used widely on the domestic market of green building materials industry. Therefore, according to the raised awareness of environmental protection, this study aimed to investigate the acceptance and future development of business model in green building materials with efficient performance. The results are revealed as followings: First, since the construction market did not recover as expected, it is getting more difficult and requires more concerns for construction industry to expand the market share of green building materials with efficient performance. Second, applying marketing strategy, market segmentation, brand positioning, product performance, logistics, access, quality and service business model strategy, can allow consumers to comprehend the characteristics of green building materials with efficient performance, as well as improve the perspective of consumer for green building materials with efficient performance through developing strong R&D products. Third, the effect of high cost and the weakness of higher selling price via developing R&D product should be considered while setting the marketing strategy of business model in the internal organization. Four, the enterprises of green building materials with efficient performance should focus on enhancing the characteristic of products and functions, in order to lower the effect of threats and increase the loyalty of consumers to the green building materials with efficient performance. Thus, the goal of profit growth could be achieved.論文使用權限: 不同意授權經營模式高性能建材品牌定位市場區隔Business ModelGreen Building Materials with Efficient PerformanceBrand PositioningMarket Segmentation[SDGs]SDG3環保高性能建材之經營模式研究Research on the Business Model of Green Building Materials with Efficient Performancethesis10.6342/NTU201600294