臺灣大學: 日本語文學研究所陳明姿張君如Chang, Chun-JuChun-JuChang2013-03-202018-05-292013-03-202018-05-292012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/247222『羅密歐與茱麗葉』是莎士比亞幾乎人人耳熟能詳的一部劇作,而無獨有偶的,在日本文學界中,也有一部作品與『羅密歐與茱麗葉』十分相近,那便是由日本江戶時代的大劇作家「近松門左衛門」所撰寫的『曾根崎殉情』。分別針對兩部作品所做的研究雖然很多,特別把兩部作品做相對照,進一步進行較研究的卻是少之又少。 兩部作品不僅在故事情節上頗有相似之處,在他處亦有可比較之處。例如兩位作者生存年代相近,以及兩部作品皆非由作者原創,而是皆有其作為參考的真實事件或原作等等。本論文除比較兩位作者之外,亦將以兩部作品和其事件或原作做對照,以期從中探討作者的創作意圖。 除此之外亦將相互比較『曾根崎殉情』及『羅密歐與茱麗葉』兩部作品,歸納出兩部作品中導致主角殉情的主因。另外也將針對細部,例如主角的塑造,劇本的開始及結尾等等做進一步的比較。 『曾根崎心中』及『羅密歐與茱麗葉』乍看之下似乎頗有相似之處,然因東西文化環境不同,所創作出來的作品亦有大異其趣之處。故本論文在探討作品的同時,皆同時考量當代時空背景,以期能探討出造成悲劇的主因以及作者在創作之際希望表達的聲音。Romeo and Juliet is a one of the best-known masterpieces created by Shakespeare. In Japanese literature, there is a similar work, Sonezakishinnjuu, written by the celebreated Edo-period playwright Chikamatsumonnzaemonn. Although we do have a great number of studies on the two works respectively, it is a pity that only a few studies were done on comparing and contrasting the two works. The two works not only resemble in the plots, but they also share other points in common. For example, both the two works did not come from the originality of the authors. They are created based on their “originals” - a true story and a poem. Therefore, in the thesis, I would like to do the research on the two authors, and compare the two works with their originals in order to probe the intentions of the authors. Furthermore, I would also compare and contrast the two works to determine what leads to the double-suicide of the protagonists. As for the details, such as how the protagonists are shaped and how the beginning and the end function in the plays, would also be one of my thesis topics too. At first sight, one might consider the two works extremely similar; however, due to the differences between eastern and western cultures, there must be many differences. Therefore, when doing the research, I would also take the context, the backgrounds into consideration so as to pinpoint the causes that bring about the tragedy, and also to get the message the two authors have been trying to deliver.2327377 bytesapplication/pdfen-US曾根崎殉情羅密歐與茱麗葉殉情義理人情家父長制度SonezakishinnjuuRomeo and Julietdouble-suicideGirininnjouPatriarchy[SDGs]SDG3「曽根崎殉情」及「羅密歐與茱麗葉」之對比研究-以悲劇要素為題Comparison and Contrast between "Sonezakishinnjuu" and "Romeo and Juliet" On Elements of Tragedythesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/247222/1/ntu-101-R98127007-1.pdf