臺灣大學: 資訊管理學研究所陳炳宇鄭京恆Cheng, Ching-HengChing-HengCheng2013-03-222018-06-292013-03-222018-06-292010http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/251474三維模型(3D model)的製作以及其動作的生成,一直是電腦圖學中重要的研究,主要原因是良好的三維模型,在製作上相當困難以及耗費時間,在應用上總是帶來許多負擔。本論文中提出一套新的系統,讓使用者能藉由一個基本模型(base model),利用此系統快速地製作出使用者指定之風格的良好三維模型,在有需要很多同質性、類似的三維模型時,能大大的縮短生產時間。 首先系統需要得到一個基本模型,以及使用者給定欲變形之形狀,並在這兩樣資訊上給定特徵點對應(features mapping)的限制,使系統得知重要的輪廓及變形的形狀。接著藉由風格轉換(style transformation)的技術,並配合模型變形(mesh deformation)的演算法,將基本三維模型轉換成符合使用者需求的新三維模型。 此系統在相似性高、重複性高的三維模型上效果顯著,例如需要數百隻的魚群、顛峰時段馬路的車輛、或是一支軍隊,利用此系統,則使用者只需要產生一個基本的三維模型,便可快速大量生產其類似卻具有不同風格之新三維模型,對於電腦圖學領域上的有相當大的助益。The generation of 3D models and their animations has been an important issue in computer graphics research. The main reason is the difficulty to create a exquisite 3D model. And in the process of creation, it usually costs very much and wastes long time. This paper will propose a new system that enables users to start from a base model with animation data, rapidly manufacture a well-designed 3D model. This is really effective and time-saving, especially when requiring many similar 3D models. In the beginning, the system requires a basic model and also a shape for deformation. Based on the information mentioned above, users should provide constraints of features mapping, in order to inform the system of the main contours and the shape of deformation. According to the style transformation technique, accompanies with the algorithm of mesh deformation, the system can transfer a basic 3D model to a new 3D model as users wish. The system is even more effective when it comes to highly resemble and repeating models and it is really helpful for the computer graphics area.2660949 bytesapplication/pdfen-US特徵對應風格轉換模型變形Features mappingstyle transformationmesh deformation風格轉換及網格變形之三維內容製作Style Transformation and Mesh Deformation for 3D Content Creationhttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/251474/1/ntu-99-R96725026-1.pdf