2008-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/694349摘要:本計畫的研究目的在於從基礎物理層面來對透明金屬氧化物半導體進行研究探討,並進一步延伸到場效電晶體上的應用。在這為期三年的計畫中,我們首先會針對透明金屬氧化物半導體(以氧化鋅及氧化銦鎵鋅為主)的結構、電性、光學性質與製程條件間的相關性進行分析;接著進行基礎電子能帶研究,範圍涵蓋能帶以及能帶間隙中的缺陷分佈等;最後進行透明薄膜電晶體的製作,並針對能帶間隙中的缺陷分佈與元件特性和穩定度間的相關性作系統性的研究。在薄膜結構檢測部分將採用拉曼光譜(Raman Spectroscopy)以及X光繞射(X Ray Diffraction)進行分析;電性量測則利用Van der Pauw、溫變導電度和光激電流(Photocurrent)等方法,光學性質上則是進行穿透/反射/吸收光譜的檢定。至於在基礎電子能帶研究上,則會搭配光或電激發螢光光譜(Photo- Electro- Luminacence)、熱激發電流量測(Thermally Stimulated Current measurement)與深層暫態光譜儀(Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy)等等方法來獲取透明金屬氧化物半導體能帶間隙中缺陷分佈。在本計畫最後一年執行期間,將結合前兩年所開發出的材料並搭配不同的元件結構進行透明薄膜電晶體的製作與研究,希望藉由此計畫能有系統性的分析出金屬氧化物半導體基礎特性與其材料能帶間隙缺陷能階間的相關性,進而建立一模型準則來協助此類半導體元件之開發與設計。<br> Abstract: The goal of this project is to have a fundamental understanding of transparent metal oxide semiconductors and then extend their application in field-effect devices. In this three-year research project, first we will investigate the structural, electrical and optical properties of transparent post-transition metal oxide semiconductors (particularly focus on ZnO-based and IGZO-based materials) obtained at various deposition and post-treatment conditions, followed by the fundamental study of their bandgap structures (including band-to-band and subbandgap structure), then move onto the fabrication, characterization and optimization of the field-effect devices with corresponding active metal oxide semiconductors, and finally correlate the electronic band structures with the device performances. The film structural analysis will be primarily investigated by Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. Van der Pauw measurement, dark electrical conductivity measurement, and photocurrent measurement will be used for electrical analysis,while transmission/reflection/absorption spectra will be used for optical analysis. To characterize the bandgap structures, together with the band-to-band information obtained by absorption spectrum, the subbandgap shallow centers and deep levels will be studied by luminescence, thermally stimulated current measurement, and deep-level transient spectroscopy. In the third year of the project, thin film transistors of transparent metal oxide semiconductors will be fabricated based on the materials developed and characterized in the first two years. The TFTs` performances and stabilities will be evaluated and correlated with the corresponding band structures.透明金屬氧化物半導體光電流量測熱激電流量測氧化物薄膜電晶體transparent metal oxide semiconductorelectronic band structurephotocurrent measurementthermally stimulated currentoxide thin film transistor透明金屬氧化物半導體能帶結構與場效傳導特性之研究