傅楸善臺灣大學:資訊工程學研究所王中周Wang, Chung-ChouChung-ChouWang2010-05-182018-07-052010-05-182018-07-052008U0001-3006200809252400http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/183645在這篇論文中,我們將提供一個新穎且有效的測邊器,在不進行解馬賽克的步驟下,直接對馬賽克影像進行測邊,其方法是藉由結合Prewitt算子與馬賽克影像上面的亮度估算技術,即可得到一對馬賽克影像上專用的測邊器。在傳統的非直接測邊作法上,必須要先對馬賽克影像進行解馬賽克之步驟後,才可以在彩色影像上面使用Prewitt算子;兩個方法相互比較,我們所提出的直接測邊器的平均花費時間快了48%。除此之外,其他的線性測邊器,例如Sobel算子與Marr-Hildreth算子,亦可以透過類似的方法求得其馬賽克直接測邊器。In this thesis, without demosaicing process, a new and efficient edge detector is presented for color mosaic images. Combining the Prewitt mask-pair and the luminancestimation technique for mosaic images, the required mask-pair for edge detection on the input mosaic image is derived first. Then, a novel edge detector for mosaic images is presented. Our proposed edge detector has the similar resulting edge map when compared with the indirect approach which first applies the demosaicing process to the input mosaic image, and then runs the Prewitt edge detectorn the demosaiced full color image. Based on some test mosaic images, experimental results demonstrate that the average execution-time improvement ratio of our proposed edge detector over the indirect approach is about 48%. Our proposed results can also be applied to the other masks, e.g. the Sobel mask-pair and the Marr-Hildreth mask, for edge detection. Finally, the application to design a newine detection algorithm on mosaic images is investigated.口試委員會審定書(i)文摘要(ii)文摘要(iii) INTRODUCTION (1) PROPOSED EDGE DETECTOR FOR COLOR MOSAIC IMAGES (4).1 The Luminance Estimation Technique for Mosaic Images (4).2 Proposed Prewitt- and Luminance Estimation-based Edge Detector (6).3 Applications to derive Sobel Mask-pair and Marr-Hildreth Mask for Mosaic Images (10) PROPOSED LINE DETECTION ALGORITHM FOR COLOR MOSAICMAGES (15) EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS (18) CONCLUSIONS (29)考書目 (30)PPENDIX 1: THE DERIVATION FOR LUMINANCE ESTIMATION (35)application/pdf12278622 bytesapplication/pdfen-US馬賽克影像解馬賽克演算法數位相機測邊測邊器直線增測色彩濾波陣列Color filter array (CFA)Demosaicing algorithmDigital camerasEdge detectionLine detectionMosaic images針對彩色馬賽克影像的有效測邊器及其在直線偵測之應用Novel and Efficient Edge Detection on Color Mosaic Images with Application to Line Detectionthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/183645/1/ntu-97-R95922106-1.pdf